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Old 04-10-2004, 12:01 PM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 511
Default CUSTOMIZE EQ HOWTO: Customize Class Titles and other mods

Ok the old way doesn't work, I know its been a while since I posted this but I decided to update it with the correct way.

Things you will need!
-Mongrels' spell editor ver 6.0a you can get this here
-A text editing program, although it is bad I will be using notepad
-Class name ideas, if your going to costumize it you can atleast think of a name for it. This tutorial will mainly be about how to get the client to call your class something else. If I ever find more I am sure I will share.
You also need to make back up files of:
-spells_us(just incase you accidently change a spell!)
Just so if you make any mistakes during the process that might cause your client to crash you can revert to your old files!

Ok the first thing we will do is edit the UI files for character creation !
This step is the shortest as you only do one thing. Go into uifiles\default and open EQUI_CharaterCreate and search for the name of your race, then replace it with the name of yours.

Now to edit the string file, this isn't complicated but there is alot of work to do! First open up mongrel's spell editor and set the preferences so it will know where your files are. When it loads spells and strings press on the string editor button. no type in what class you want to change(for me its paladin) and press search, change ANY string that says the name of your class to its new name Just make sure that you press apply to current spell button(just make sure you didn't select ANY spells).now you need to change the name of the class that shows up in the items properties(PAL,SHD,CLR) so go ahead and search for it, since im changing the Paladin's I will look for PAL. Since im changing the Paladin to Knight I will replace PAL with KNI(remember to press apply to current spell!). Now before closing the string list press save to disk. If the spell editor asks you if you want to save changed spells press no! You only want to save the stringlist wich you already did.

And thats it, just log into ANY emu server(since class names are controled client side this will work on any server). Now create a character, when you zone in do a /who and a /who all to make sure it is what you named it.

This can also be used to change the names of deitys,races and even zones! Almost everthing that has a name is a string, just look up the zone's name and change it, you may want to do a bit of db editing for the zones though. Keep in mind about what I said above, this is only client side, no one else will see the changes you made. So if you want a server with customized class and higher level titles then everyone else will need a copy of your eqstr_us.txt and the character creation file. To share this with your server's users use confruben's patcher and set it to share the string file. To get this tool look here
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