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Old 07-02-2021, 06:32 PM
Join Date: Mar 2021
Posts: 14

Originally Posted by klausfelix View Post
Lets say I want a raid mob to drop 3 unique pieces of loot from a single lootdrop,

the current lootdrop functionality doesn't seem to have a way for me to do that.

So instead I'm looking at adding loot through a Perl script instead.

Here's what I've got so far:

   my @item_PHARA = (1628, 1845, 1848, 2377, 10845, 10851, 10912, 10913, 24648); #loot list
   my $itemlist = @item_PHARA;
   my $item1 = $item_PHARA[plugin::RandomRange(0,$itemlist)];
   quest::addloot($item1, 0, 0);
  @item_PHARA2 = grep {$_ != $item1 } @item_PHARA; #remove first loot from loot array, then draw another item
   my $itemlist2 = @item_PHARA2;
   my $item2 = $item_PHARA2[plugin::RandomRange(0,$itemlist2)];
   quest::addloot($item2, 0, 0);

   @item_PHARA3 = grep {$_ != $item2 } @item_PHARA2; #remove second loot from loot array, then draw another item
   my $itemlist3 = @item_PHARA3;
   my $item3 = $item_PHARA3[plugin::RandomRange(0,$itemlist3)];
   quest::addloot($item3, 0, 0);
It seems to mostly work, only problem is about 40% of the time only 2 loots are added instead of 3.

No clue if I'm using the grep function correctly, I tried googling how to remove a value from an array and that seemed to be a potential solution.

Thanks for looking
I see what you're trying to do but you're making it a bit more complicated than it needs to be.

There is a plugin that comes with the base install called "AddLoot" that does what you're trying to do already (minus the "unique" functionality).


	my @items = (1, 2, 3, 4);
	plugin::AddLoot(1, 1, @items);

^ brief example of how it works. If you want it be for sure unique you could either make 3 separate arrays. Or you could edit the plugin to return the ID of the item it chooses and then use one of these to edit your array accordingly.
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