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Old 10-11-2012, 03:24 AM
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Virginia
Posts: 51
Default Test client/server compile changes: A heads up

I'm just putting this here as a heads up:

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Made several changes to the way EverQuest is compiled. Please keep an eye out for any strange behavior.

*** UI ***

- Hid the display of alternate currencies that you don't own. Also made the alternate currency list sortable.
- Added in a "Show currencies that you don't have." check box to allow display of currencies so they can be reclaimed.

- Changed -

- The EverQuest Team
The compile changes went to both the server and client. WinEQ wouldn't even attach, they had to patch it. As such I would guess things such as packet collecting etc may be affected by the compile change once this goes Live.

Note: This is ONLY on Test atm. Live is unaffected. The changes were buggy. Test has been crashing on and off for a week now as they narrow down issues and get it operational (it IS the server's purpose after all...) and uchat (chat channels) and testcopy were brought down until further notice. So it may not hit Live very soon but just be aware it will be there eventually.

Also for people using WinEQ.... as I said, they had to patch WinEQ to reattach to Test's client and will likely do the same to attach to Live when the patch hits there. It's entirely possible (though not certain) once WinEQ makes this patch that it will no longer attach to any client outside of Live. Including Titanium, Secrets of Faydwer, Seeds of Destruction, and Underfoot. As such people may wanna brace themselves for that as well.

Just felt I should forewarn you all.

Rainbowdash Spectrum - 54 Dark Elf Magician - P99
Rainbowdash Poxleitner - 100 Dark Elf Magician - Live/Test
Miku X'Lottl - Vet Rank 11 Khajiit Nightblade - ESO
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