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Old 02-13-2015, 04:03 PM
Greyhelm's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: East Coast
Posts: 35

New Nideno script adding use of sendto

# Quest: Expedition: The Forgotten Halls (ZoneID: 998)
# Involved: #Nideno_Eliagy (npcID: 182136)
# Zone: The Forgotten Halls (ZoneID: 998 Instance: 0)
# Author: Greyhelm
# Related Zones: Nedaria's Landing (ZoneID: 182)
# Related Creatures: None
# Related Classes: All
# Reward(s): None
# Description: Allows players to return to Nedaria's Landing
         quest::say("Greetings, traveler. This is a beautiful land you have here. . .very different from [" . quest::saylink("what I am used to") . "]. You must thank the gods daily for the bounty they have bestowed upon you.");}
     elsif($text=~/what I am used to/i){
         quest::say("Since the coming of the Muramites, my land has been broken and defiled. Taelosia was never a lush land. It could be hostile to the unwary, but it was once [" . quest::saylink("beautiful") . "] in its own way.");}
         quest::say("Although the army of Mata Muram has defiled our cities, there are still places that their claws do not yet reach. . .places they do not know exist. If the Wayfarers hadn't come to Taelosia when they did, I'm sure the Muramites would have found these hidden locations as well, but thankfully they are too busy with their own defense now to worry about enslaving the last of my people. One of these places is an old temple that we refer to as the [" . quest::saylink("Forgotten Halls") . "]. The elders have decided to allow outsiders into the Forgotten Halls in the hopes that you will understand better the plight of the Taelosian people once you see the unblemished beauty of an ancient Taelosian temple.");}
     elsif($text=~/Forgotten Halls/i){
         quest::say("I sense that you come with the blessing of Eldros Danmos. I will ask the stones to open a passage to the Forgotten Halls.");
         quest::emote("turns to the nearby stones and places her hands on them begins to chant. She speaks in soft tones, calling upon the spirit of the stone for the abilities to open a doorway to the hidden lands of Taelosia. As she chants, the stone begins to glow softly and for a moment a low grumbling can be heard from within the rock as it answers Nideno in its own way.");
         quest::say("The stones have spoken and they favor your passage and have given me their consent to show you the way. When you are [" . quest::saylink("ready") . "] let me know.");}
         quest::emote("holds up her hand.");
         plugin::SendToInstance("public", "fhalls", 0, -74, -843, -11.68, "fhalls", 21600);}
#End sequence
Still wokring on zone scaling...
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