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Old 02-14-2015, 10:27 PM
Greyhelm's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: East Coast
Posts: 35

Understood. I am just learning pretty much from ground up. This was my try at an instanced zone. Once I get the basics down then I will expand on what I have learned. What better way to know if you have used the right scripting and have the mechanics down than to make it like it was.

But, some of the ideas I had were to have a ring type event in the Gladiator arena. That the players can enter, and choose a type of battle, wether to test your spell abilities against opponents that cannot be harmed physically, or melee abilities with opponents that cannot be harmed by spells. One on one battle, one Vs more, group vs group... So on an so forth.

The area when not being used by PC's would spawn it's own events and you could spectate if wanted.

Then replace the rest with vendors, place ovens, furnaces, etc.. in the area and what not, the whole quest script was to visit and enjoy the forgotten temple.. There really is nothing to enjoy when I ran through the zone. And ultimately I wanted this area to open a new land... But I have a lot to learn and getting the mechanics working in the first place is my priority. So there is a method to the madness.
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