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Old 08-27-2020, 06:21 AM
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 426

Sure is, here is the script, so people can see examples if they need help, like I did!

if($class eq "Warrior")
				$client->Message(315,"$npcname whispers to you, 'My name is $npcname, I can help you [$train] in some spells if you have the required [$currency].'");
				$client->Message(315,"$npcname whispers to you, 'As a Brawler you can learn abilities from three different [$trees].'");
				$client->Message(315,"$npcname whispers to you, 'When you level up you get a new currency. Bring that to me and you will be able to buy a ability. Do you want to see how many spell token you [$have]?'");
				$client->Message(315,"$npcname whispers to you, 'Yes, you can learn abilities from [$melee], [$warcries] or you can learn abilities from the [$combat] tree.'");
				if(quest::get_data($client->CharacterID() ."-Spell-Currency"))
					$key = $client->CharacterID() . "-Spell-Currency";
					$client->Message(315,"$npcname whispers to you, 'You have " . quest::get_data($key) . " spell currencies.'");
				elsif(!quest::get_data($client->CharacterID() ."-Spell-Currency"))
					$client->Message(315,"$npcname whispers to you, 'You do not have a currency, level up and give one to me.'");
			if(quest::get_data($client->CharacterID() ."-Spell-Currency"))
					$client->Message(315,"'Select Level'");
					$client->Message(315,"'[$L2] - [$L6] - [$L11]");
				if($text=~/Level Two/i)
					$client->Message(315,"$npcname whispers to you, 'I can give you [$WW] at Level Two.'");
					$client->Message(315,"$npcname whispers to you, 'To make sure, you are Level Two, and you want Whirlwind R. I, if so, please say [$so]. These currencies are non-refundable and if you get a spell higher level then you, you will not be able to refund it for a spell your level. Please make sure you are the correct level.'");
					$client->Message(315,"$npcname whispers to you, 'Alright, here you go, $name.'");
					quest::set_data ($key, quest::get_data ($key) - 1);
					$client->Message(315,"$npcname whispers to you, '$name, you are not of the classes that I can help, please obtain server files from the MOTD link of Discord and come back. You won't regret it!'");

$npcname = "Raj";

	if($class eq "Warrior")
		if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 2087 => 1))
			if(!quest::get_data($client->CharacterID() ."-Spell-Currency"))
				$key = $client->CharacterID() . "-Spell_Currency";
				$client->Message(315,"$npcname whispers to you, 'Thank you for this, $name. You now have 1 spell currency that you can use to buy an ability!'");
				quest::set_data($key, 1);
				$client->Message(315,"$npcname whispers to you, 'NOTE! You can only have ONE Spell Currency at a time! Do not turn more then 1 into me or you will NOT get credit.'");
			elsif(quest::get_data($client->CharacterID() . "-Spell-Currency"))
				$key = $client->CharacterID() . "-Spell-Currency";
				$client->Message(315,"$npcname whispers to you, 'This means you have another currency.'");
				quest::set_data ($key, quest::get_data ($key) + 1);
Probably an easier way to write it, but hey it works!
I am the All Mighty Mittens!
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