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Old 09-25-2020, 10:31 PM
Huppy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,333

Just thought i would mention some trivial info for people "new" to this that may not have the knowledge, yet. In the database, there is a table called spells_new. It contains all the spells, that your server is using, or going to use.
As Uleat was implying above, it's 'recommended" that your spells_us.txt file (and 3 others) match the table(s) in your database. That is easily accomplished, by running the export_client_files in your server folder. (as long as you have a subfolder named "export" in your main server folder. Running that will generate the 4 client files. spells_us.txt, dbstr_us.txt, basedata.txt and skillcaps.txt. Copy those files over to all your clients. The basedata and skillcaps files go in the client/Resources folder. The other 2 go in your client main folder.
This is not guaranteed to fix anyone's spell problems, but it can help to rule out any conflicts with that issue.

Last edited by joligario; 09-26-2020 at 04:51 AM.. Reason: Added “all clients”
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