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Old 09-29-2015, 03:33 PM
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 297

I pored over NoRentExpired, bool deletenorent and some other areas until I came to zonedb and saw some things I was familiar with. As this is all so foreign to me, knowing what to search for and then processing it consumes much more time than actually changing it to something different.

I was thinking of trying to work it in with the norent code but, my concern was with keeping suspended pets suspended. My intention was to cover as many possibilities as I could think of with that.

The difference with no rent items and what I'm trying to do is the additional option of having pets poof when zoning (a la classic) while not having them go away like norent items when logging for under 30 minutes.

It really isn't a big deal as far as the game goes. I enjoy trying to solve the problem.

Thanks for the response, it got me thinking about it a little different.
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