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Old 03-23-2021, 04:40 PM
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 51

I'm not 100% sure how all the difference bot commands work or what they're supposed to do, but when I use the guard command, my bots don't really "guard" anything, they just stand there. In order to get them to kill stuff, I have to cancel the guard command by telling them to follow me again, which wakes them all up.

So I have 4 main hotkeys that I use while "raiding" with my army of bots:
^summon spawned (doesn't work while guarding)
^guard spawned
^atk spawned
And the 4th hotkey is follow, which has 3 lines:
/tar (myself)
/pause 1
^follow spawned

Basically if I want to pull mobs to camp without my army following me, I'll summon all my bots to the "camp" then have them guard. After aggro'ing the mob I want, I'll pull it back to camp and once the mob is close enough I'll click my follow button, then my attack button (on my server, bots won't attack unless auto attack is on, so I do need to re-click the mob, and turn on attack). Once my army rushes the mob, I will use my summon button to strategically position and re-position my army to make sure they don't push the target where I don't want it to be.
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