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Old 04-21-2015, 08:39 AM
provocating's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 2,175

Markusdabrave mentioned I never followed up on this post and I guess I should have. As far as boats go, yes I have them completely working. It has been a few months now so I know now they are perfect. I left my GM on the Siren's Bane for 16 hours and not once did he drop off the boat during zone changes. The trickiest by far was the Maiden's Voyage because of the skiffs and getting them sync'd up. I am pretty sure the skiffs are not 100% classic but there was such little information out there I had to wing it.

I even found a bit of information on the boat shouts so I have that working, the butcher block NPC announces the boat position as the Siren's Bane makes it's trek.

There are so many quest and grid changes it would be too much to post but if anyone wants to put in the time to get working on it I would be glad to answer any and all questions regarding it. Also you absolutely have to make the boat zones 100% static. Those zones cannot close when people leave the boat zones. You absolutely have to have an invisible man in the zone and give the player some type of lev before they zone out between zones. Some boats like the Maiden's Voyage have a soft spot and the players will fall through. The lev can be short so that people do not exploit it, but necessary.

The reason I put so much time into the boats, I started another side project a Velious only server over at and we will not have any pok stones, easy travel. Working boats were necessary.

Here are some post as I was working on the boats, a bit of information here.
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