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Old 06-27-2010, 09:27 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2009
Location: AL
Posts: 29

Not new on Titanium as far as I can remember. Do you have any spell time reduction items or AAs? I think that's when I started noticing the short casting time.
I started a new druid and #level him to 70. I then scribed beneficial spells to test. With no AAs and no gear, the casting bar empties before the spell lands. So I went through and only equiped one item at a time to see if I could track it down. With no AAs still, I tracked it down to 'Elegant Defiant Leather Boots'. It does have an effect that reduces casting time.

Usually when an AA or piece of gear reduces casting time, that usually means the casting bar starts at the new reduced time and empties out before the spell lands (ex. Egress and evac spells with AAs). That doesn't seem to be the case here. It's not finishing before the spell lands.

As for the appearance bug, no AA or piece of gear seems to have an effect.

I haven't played EQ since PoR expansion so things might have changed since the day. I am going by past memories; but then again, I didn't have gear that nice when I quit. :-P

Hope this helps!
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