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Old 01-03-2008, 04:00 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: THE ATL (wut wut)
Posts: 325

Maybe I'm misunderstanding my own code, but I'm reading it as this:
	if (skill_used == BASH && GetLevel() < 56) {
			int stun_resist = itembonuses.StunResist+spellbonuses.StunResist;
			if((stun_resist <= 0 || MakeRandomInt(0,99) >= stun_resist) && ((this->GetBaseRace() != OGRE) || attacker->BehindMob(this, attacker->GetX(), attacker->GetY()))) {
				mlog(COMBAT__HITS, "Stunned. We had %dpercent resist chance.");
The stun roll lands. If the target is not an Ogre (not immune to stuns), or if the attacker is behind the target (no race is immune to stuns from melee attacks to the back), then proceed with the stun.

			} else if (this->GetBaseRace() == OGRE && this->IsClient() && !attacker->BehindMob(this, attacker->GetX(), attacker->GetY())) {
				//Message(15,"Ogres are immune to frontal melee stuns."); //Lieka Edit:  Debug message
				mlog(COMBAT__HITS, "Stun Resisted. Ogres are immune to frontal melee stuns.");
One of the following has happened to get us here:
The stun roll failed or the target is an Ogre.
If the target is an ogre, and the attacker is not behind the ogre (we checked this already in the previous step, but checking it again), then log that the stun was resisted because it was a an attempt at a frontal melee stun on an ogre.

	} else {
				mlog(COMBAT__HITS, "Stun Resisted. We had %dpercent resist chance.");
This is the catch all, but we should only get here if the stun roll failed, so log that it failed.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I've had the code live on my server for quite a while without any further complaints about Ogres getting stunned.


Former ServerOp - Vallon Zek / Tallon Zek Emu Server - Legit / Guild PvP - (2007 - 2011 RIP)
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