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Old 07-29-2009, 10:24 PM
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Index: chatchannel.cpp
--- chatchannel.cpp	(revision 846)
+++ chatchannel.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -1,699 +1,725 @@
-	EQEMu:  Everquest Server Emulator
-	Copyright (C) 2001-2008 EQEMu Development Team (
-	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-	the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY except by those people which sell it, which
-	are required to give you total support for your newly bought product;
-	without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
-	A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-	along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-	Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-#include "chatchannel.h"
-#include "clientlist.h"
-#include "database.h"
-#include "../common/MiscFunctions.h"
-#include <cstdlib>
-extern Database database;
-ChatChannel::ChatChannel(string inName, string inOwner, string inPassword, bool inPermanent, int inMinimumStatus) : 
-	DeleteTimer(0) {
-	Name = inName;
-	Owner = inOwner;
-	Password = inPassword;
-	Permanent = inPermanent;
-	MinimumStatus = inMinimumStatus;
-	Moderated = false;
-	_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "New ChatChannel created: Name: [%s], Owner: [%s], Password: [%s], MinStatus: %i", 
-			      Name.c_str(), Owner.c_str(), Password.c_str(), MinimumStatus);
-ChatChannel::~ChatChannel() {
-	LinkedListIterator<Client*> iterator(ClientsInChannel);
-	iterator.Reset();
-	while(iterator.MoreElements())
-		iterator.RemoveCurrent(false);
-ChatChannel* ChatChannelList::CreateChannel(string Name, string Owner, string Password, bool Permanent, int MinimumStatus) {
-	ChatChannel *NewChannel = new ChatChannel(CapitaliseName(Name), Owner, Password, Permanent, MinimumStatus);
-	ChatChannels.Insert(NewChannel);
-	return NewChannel;
-ChatChannel* ChatChannelList::FindChannel(string Name) {
-	string NormalisedName = CapitaliseName(Name);
-	LinkedListIterator<ChatChannel*> iterator(ChatChannels);
-	iterator.Reset();
-	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
-		ChatChannel *CurrentChannel = iterator.GetData();
-		if(CurrentChannel && (CurrentChannel->Name == NormalisedName))
-			return iterator.GetData();
-		iterator.Advance();
-	}
-	return NULL;
-void ChatChannelList::SendAllChannels(Client *c) {
-	if(!c) return;
-	if(!c->CanListAllChannels()) {
-		c->GeneralChannelMessage("You do not have permission to list all the channels.");
-		return;
-	}
-	c->GeneralChannelMessage("All current channels:");
-	int ChannelsInLine = 0;
-	LinkedListIterator<ChatChannel*> iterator(ChatChannels);
-	iterator.Reset();
-	string Message;
-	char CountString[10];
-	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
-		ChatChannel *CurrentChannel = iterator.GetData();
-		if(!CurrentChannel || (CurrentChannel->GetMinStatus() > c->GetAccountStatus())) {
-			iterator.Advance();
-			continue;
-		}
-		if(ChannelsInLine > 0)
-			Message += ", ";
-		sprintf(CountString, "(%i)", CurrentChannel->MemberCount(c->GetAccountStatus()));
-		Message += CurrentChannel->GetName();
-		Message += CountString;
-		ChannelsInLine++;
-		if(ChannelsInLine == 6) {
-			c->GeneralChannelMessage(Message);
-			ChannelsInLine = 0;
-			Message.clear();
-		}
-		iterator.Advance();
-	}
-	if(ChannelsInLine > 0)
-		c->GeneralChannelMessage(Message);
-void ChatChannelList::RemoveChannel(ChatChannel *Channel) {
-	_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "RemoveChannel(%s)", Channel->GetName().c_str());
-	LinkedListIterator<ChatChannel*> iterator(ChatChannels);
-	iterator.Reset();
-	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
-		if(iterator.GetData() == Channel) {
-			iterator.RemoveCurrent();
-			return;
-		}
-		iterator.Advance();
-	}
-void ChatChannelList::RemoveAllChannels() {
-	_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "RemoveAllChannels");
-	LinkedListIterator<ChatChannel*> iterator(ChatChannels);
-	iterator.Reset();
-	while(iterator.MoreElements())
-		iterator.RemoveCurrent();
-int ChatChannel::MemberCount(int Status) {
-	int Count = 0;
-	LinkedListIterator<Client*> iterator(ClientsInChannel);
-	iterator.Reset();
-	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
-		Client *ChannelClient = iterator.GetData();
-		if(ChannelClient && (!ChannelClient->GetHideMe() || (ChannelClient->GetAccountStatus() < Status)))
-			Count++;
-		iterator.Advance();
-	}
-	return Count;
-void ChatChannel::SetPassword(string inPassword) {
-	Password = inPassword;
-	if(Permanent)
-	{
-		RemoveApostrophes(Password);
-		database.SetChannelPassword(Name, Password);
-	}
-void ChatChannel::SetOwner(string inOwner) {
-	Owner = inOwner;
-	if(Permanent)
-		database.SetChannelOwner(Name, Owner);
-void ChatChannel::AddClient(Client *c) {
-	if(!c) return;
-	DeleteTimer.Disable();
-	if(IsClientInChannel(c)) {
-		_log(CHANNELS__ERROR, "Client %s already in channel %s", c->GetName().c_str(), GetName().c_str());
-		return;
-	}
-	bool HideMe = c->GetHideMe();
-	int AccountStatus = c->GetAccountStatus();
-	_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "Adding %s to channel %s", c->GetName().c_str(), Name.c_str());
-	LinkedListIterator<Client*> iterator(ClientsInChannel);
-	iterator.Reset();
-	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
-		Client *CurrentClient = iterator.GetData();
-		if(CurrentClient && CurrentClient->IsAnnounceOn())
-			if(!HideMe || (CurrentClient->GetAccountStatus() > AccountStatus))
-				CurrentClient->AnnounceJoin(this, c);
-		iterator.Advance();
-	}
-	ClientsInChannel.Insert(c);
-bool ChatChannel::RemoveClient(Client *c) {
-	if(!c) return false;
-	_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "RemoveClient %s from channel %s", c->GetName().c_str(), GetName().c_str());
-	bool HideMe = c->GetHideMe();
-	int AccountStatus = c->GetAccountStatus();
-	int PlayersInChannel = 0;
-	LinkedListIterator<Client*> iterator(ClientsInChannel);
-	iterator.Reset();
-	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
-		Client *CurrentClient = iterator.GetData();
-		if(CurrentClient == c) {
-			iterator.RemoveCurrent(false);
-		}
-		else if(CurrentClient) {
-			PlayersInChannel++;
-			if(CurrentClient->IsAnnounceOn())
-				if(!HideMe || (CurrentClient->GetAccountStatus() > AccountStatus))
-					CurrentClient->AnnounceLeave(this, c);
-			iterator.Advance();
-		}
-	}
-	if((PlayersInChannel == 0) && !Permanent) {
-		if((Password.length() == 0) || (RuleI(Channels, DeleteTimer) == 0))
-			return false;
-		_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "Starting delete timer for empty password protected channel %s", Name.c_str());
-		DeleteTimer.Start(RuleI(Channels, DeleteTimer) * 60000);
-	}
-	return true;
-void ChatChannel::SendOPList(Client *c) {
-	if(!c) return;
-	c->GeneralChannelMessage("Channel " + Name + " op-list: (Owner=" + Owner + ")");
-	list<string>::iterator Iterator;
-	for(Iterator = Moderators.begin(); Iterator != Moderators.end(); Iterator++)
-		c->GeneralChannelMessage((*Iterator));
-void ChatChannel::SendChannelMembers(Client *c) {
-	if(!c) return;
-	char CountString[10];
-	sprintf(CountString, "(%i)", MemberCount(c->GetAccountStatus()));
-	string Message = "Channel " + GetName();
-	Message += CountString;
-	Message += " members:";
-	c->GeneralChannelMessage(Message);
-	int AccountStatus = c->GetAccountStatus();
-	Message.clear();
-	int MembersInLine = 0;
-	LinkedListIterator<Client*> iterator(ClientsInChannel);
-	iterator.Reset();
-	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
-		Client *ChannelClient = iterator.GetData();
-		// Don't list hidden characters with status higher or equal than the character requesting the list.
-		//
-		if(!ChannelClient || (ChannelClient->GetHideMe() && (ChannelClient->GetAccountStatus() >= AccountStatus))) {
-			iterator.Advance();
-			continue;
-		}
-		if(MembersInLine > 0)
-			Message += ", ";
-		Message += ChannelClient->GetName();
-		MembersInLine++;
-		if(MembersInLine == 6) {
-			c->GeneralChannelMessage(Message);
-			MembersInLine = 0;
-			Message.clear();
-		}
-		iterator.Advance();
-	}
-	if(MembersInLine > 0)
-		c->GeneralChannelMessage(Message);
-void ChatChannel::SendMessageToChannel(string Message, Client* Sender) {
-	if(!Sender) return;
-	LinkedListIterator<Client*> iterator(ClientsInChannel);
-	iterator.Reset();
-	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
-		Client *ChannelClient = iterator.GetData();
-		if(ChannelClient)
-			ChannelClient->SendChannelMessage(Name, Message, Sender);
-		iterator.Advance();
-	}
-void ChatChannel::SetModerated(bool inModerated) {
-	Moderated = inModerated;
-	LinkedListIterator<Client*> iterator(ClientsInChannel);
-	iterator.Reset();
-	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
-		Client *ChannelClient = iterator.GetData();
-		if(ChannelClient) {
-			if(Moderated)
-				ChannelClient->GeneralChannelMessage("Channel " + Name + " is now moderated.");
-			else
-				ChannelClient->GeneralChannelMessage("Channel " + Name + " is no longer moderated.");
-		}
-		iterator.Advance();
-	}
-bool ChatChannel::IsClientInChannel(Client *c) {
-	if(!c) return false;
-	LinkedListIterator<Client*> iterator(ClientsInChannel);
-	iterator.Reset();
-	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
-		if(iterator.GetData() == c)
-			return true;
-		iterator.Advance();
-	}
-	return false;
-ChatChannel *ChatChannelList::AddClientToChannel(string ChannelName, Client *c) {
-	if(!c) return NULL;
-	if((ChannelName.length() > 0) && (isdigit(ChannelName[0]))) {
-		c->GeneralChannelMessage("The channel name can not begin with a number.");
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	string NormalisedName, Password;
-	string::size_type Colon = ChannelName.find_first_of(":");
-	if(Colon == string::npos) 
-		NormalisedName = CapitaliseName(ChannelName);
-	else {
-		NormalisedName = CapitaliseName(ChannelName.substr(0, Colon));
-		Password = ChannelName.substr(Colon + 1);
-	}
-	if((NormalisedName.length() > 64) || (Password.length() > 64)) {
-		c->GeneralChannelMessage("The channel name or password cannot exceed 64 characters.");
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "AddClient to channel [%s] with password [%s]", NormalisedName.c_str(), Password.c_str());
-	ChatChannel *RequiredChannel = FindChannel(NormalisedName);
-	if(!RequiredChannel)
-		RequiredChannel = CreateChannel(NormalisedName, c->GetName(), Password, false, 0);
-	if(RequiredChannel->GetMinStatus() > c->GetAccountStatus()) {
-		string Message = "You do not have the required account status to join channel " + NormalisedName;
-		c->GeneralChannelMessage(Message);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	if(RequiredChannel->IsClientInChannel(c))
-		return NULL;
-	if(RequiredChannel->IsInvitee(c->GetName())) {
-		RequiredChannel->AddClient(c);
-		RequiredChannel->RemoveInvitee(c->GetName());
-		return RequiredChannel;
-	}
-	if(RequiredChannel->CheckPassword(Password) || RequiredChannel->IsOwner(c->GetName()) || RequiredChannel->IsModerator(c->GetName()) ||
-	   c->IsChannelAdmin()) {
-		RequiredChannel->AddClient(c);
-		return RequiredChannel;
-	}
-	c->GeneralChannelMessage("Incorrect password for channel " + (NormalisedName));
-	return NULL;
-ChatChannel *ChatChannelList::RemoveClientFromChannel(string inChannelName, Client *c) {
-	if(!c) return NULL;
-	string ChannelName = inChannelName;
-	if((inChannelName.length() > 0) && isdigit(ChannelName[0]))
-		ChannelName = c->ChannelSlotName(atoi(inChannelName.c_str()));
-	ChatChannel *RequiredChannel = FindChannel(ChannelName);
-	if(!RequiredChannel)
-		return NULL;
-	// RemoveClient will return false if there is no-one left in the channel, and the channel is not permanent and has
-	// no password.
-	//
-	if(!RequiredChannel->RemoveClient(c))
-		RemoveChannel(RequiredChannel);
-	return RequiredChannel;
-void ChatChannelList::Process() {
-	LinkedListIterator<ChatChannel*> iterator(ChatChannels);
-	iterator.Reset();
-	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
-		ChatChannel *CurrentChannel = iterator.GetData();
-		if(CurrentChannel && CurrentChannel->ReadyToDelete()) {
-			_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "Empty temporary password protected channel %s being destroyed.",
-				CurrentChannel->GetName().c_str());
-			RemoveChannel(CurrentChannel);
-		}
-		iterator.Advance();
-	}
-void ChatChannel::AddInvitee(string Invitee) {
-	if(!IsInvitee(Invitee)) {
-		Invitees.push_back(Invitee);
-		_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "Added %s as invitee to channel %s", Invitee.c_str(), Name.c_str());
-	}
-void ChatChannel::RemoveInvitee(string Invitee) {
-	list<string>::iterator Iterator;
-	for(Iterator = Invitees.begin(); Iterator != Invitees.end(); Iterator++) {
-		if((*Iterator) == Invitee) {
-			Invitees.erase(Iterator);
-			_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "Removed %s as invitee to channel %s", Invitee.c_str(), Name.c_str());
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-bool ChatChannel::IsInvitee(string Invitee) {
-	list<string>::iterator Iterator;
-	for(Iterator = Invitees.begin(); Iterator != Invitees.end(); Iterator++) {
-		if((*Iterator) == Invitee)
-			return true;
-	}
-	return false;
-void ChatChannel::AddModerator(string Moderator) {
-	if(!IsModerator(Moderator)) {
-		Moderators.push_back(Moderator);
-		_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "Added %s as moderator to channel %s", Moderator.c_str(), Name.c_str());
-	}
-void ChatChannel::RemoveModerator(string Moderator) {
-	list<string>::iterator Iterator;
-	for(Iterator = Moderators.begin(); Iterator != Moderators.end(); Iterator++) {
-		if((*Iterator) == Moderator) {
-			Moderators.erase(Iterator);
-			_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "Removed %s as moderator to channel %s", Moderator.c_str(), Name.c_str());
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-bool ChatChannel::IsModerator(string Moderator) {
-	list<string>::iterator Iterator;
-	for(Iterator = Moderators.begin(); Iterator != Moderators.end(); Iterator++) {
-		if((*Iterator) == Moderator)
-			return true;
-	}
-	return false;
-void ChatChannel::AddVoice(string inVoiced) {
-	if(!HasVoice(inVoiced)) {
-		Voiced.push_back(inVoiced);
-		_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "Added %s as voiced to channel %s", inVoiced.c_str(), Name.c_str());
-	}
-void ChatChannel::RemoveVoice(string inVoiced) {
-	list<string>::iterator Iterator;
-	for(Iterator = Voiced.begin(); Iterator != Voiced.end(); Iterator++) {
-		if((*Iterator) == inVoiced) {
-			Voiced.erase(Iterator);
-			_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "Removed %s as voiced to channel %s", inVoiced.c_str(), Name.c_str());
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-bool ChatChannel::HasVoice(string inVoiced) {
-	list<string>::iterator Iterator;
-	for(Iterator = Voiced.begin(); Iterator != Voiced.end(); Iterator++) {
-		if((*Iterator) == inVoiced)
-			return true;
-	}
-	return false;
-string CapitaliseName(string inString) {
-	string NormalisedName = inString;
-	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NormalisedName.length(); i++) {
-		if(i == 0)
-			NormalisedName[i] = toupper(NormalisedName[i]);
-		else
-			NormalisedName[i] = tolower(NormalisedName[i]);
-	}
-	return NormalisedName;
+	EQEMu:  Everquest Server Emulator
+	Copyright (C) 2001-2008 EQEMu Development Team (
+	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+	the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY except by those people which sell it, which
+	are required to give you total support for your newly bought product;
+	without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+	A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+	along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+	Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+#include "chatchannel.h"
+#include "ChatConfig.h"
+#include "clientlist.h"
+#include "database.h"
+#include "../common/MiscFunctions.h"
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include "IRC.h"
+extern Database database;
+extern IRC conn;
+ChatChannel::ChatChannel(string inName, string inOwner, string inPassword, bool inPermanent, int inMinimumStatus) : 
+	DeleteTimer(0) {
+	Name = inName;
+	Owner = inOwner;
+	Password = inPassword;
+	Permanent = inPermanent;
+	MinimumStatus = inMinimumStatus;
+	Moderated = false;
+	_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "New ChatChannel created: Name: [%s], Owner: [%s], Password: [%s], MinStatus: %i", 
+			      Name.c_str(), Owner.c_str(), Password.c_str(), MinimumStatus);
+ChatChannel::~ChatChannel() {
+	LinkedListIterator<Client*> iterator(ClientsInChannel);
+	iterator.Reset();
+	while(iterator.MoreElements())
+		iterator.RemoveCurrent(false);
+ChatChannel* ChatChannelList::CreateChannel(string Name, string Owner, string Password, bool Permanent, int MinimumStatus) {
+	ChatChannel *NewChannel = new ChatChannel(CapitaliseName(Name), Owner, Password, Permanent, MinimumStatus);
+	ChatChannels.Insert(NewChannel);
+	return NewChannel;
+ChatChannel* ChatChannelList::FindChannel(string Name) {
+	string NormalisedName = CapitaliseName(Name);
+	LinkedListIterator<ChatChannel*> iterator(ChatChannels);
+	iterator.Reset();
+	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
+		ChatChannel *CurrentChannel = iterator.GetData();
+		if(CurrentChannel && (CurrentChannel->Name == NormalisedName))
+			return iterator.GetData();
+		iterator.Advance();
+	}
+	return NULL;
+void ChatChannelList::SendAllChannels(Client *c) {
+	if(!c) return;
+	if(!c->CanListAllChannels()) {
+		c->GeneralChannelMessage("You do not have permission to list all the channels.");
+		return;
+	}
+	c->GeneralChannelMessage("All current channels:");
+	int ChannelsInLine = 0;
+	LinkedListIterator<ChatChannel*> iterator(ChatChannels);
+	iterator.Reset();
+	string Message;
+	char CountString[10];
+	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
+		ChatChannel *CurrentChannel = iterator.GetData();
+		if(!CurrentChannel || (CurrentChannel->GetMinStatus() > c->GetAccountStatus())) {
+			iterator.Advance();
+			continue;
+		}
+		if(ChannelsInLine > 0)
+			Message += ", ";
+		sprintf(CountString, "(%i)", CurrentChannel->MemberCount(c->GetAccountStatus()));
+		Message += CurrentChannel->GetName();
+		Message += CountString;
+		ChannelsInLine++;
+		if(ChannelsInLine == 6) {
+			c->GeneralChannelMessage(Message);
+			ChannelsInLine = 0;
+			Message.clear();
+		}
+		iterator.Advance();
+	}
+	if(ChannelsInLine > 0)
+		c->GeneralChannelMessage(Message);
+void ChatChannelList::RemoveChannel(ChatChannel *Channel) {
+	_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "RemoveChannel(%s)", Channel->GetName().c_str());
+	LinkedListIterator<ChatChannel*> iterator(ChatChannels);
+	iterator.Reset();
+	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
+		if(iterator.GetData() == Channel) {
+			iterator.RemoveCurrent();
+			return;
+		}
+		iterator.Advance();
+	}
+void ChatChannelList::RemoveAllChannels() {
+	_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "RemoveAllChannels");
+	LinkedListIterator<ChatChannel*> iterator(ChatChannels);
+	iterator.Reset();
+	while(iterator.MoreElements())
+		iterator.RemoveCurrent();
+int ChatChannel::MemberCount(int Status) {
+	int Count = 0;
+	LinkedListIterator<Client*> iterator(ClientsInChannel);
+	iterator.Reset();
+	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
+		Client *ChannelClient = iterator.GetData();
+		if(ChannelClient && (!ChannelClient->GetHideMe() || (ChannelClient->GetAccountStatus() < Status)))
+			Count++;
+		iterator.Advance();
+	}
+	return Count;
+void ChatChannel::SetPassword(string inPassword) {
+	Password = inPassword;
+	if(Permanent)
+	{
+		RemoveApostrophes(Password);
+		database.SetChannelPassword(Name, Password);
+	}
+void ChatChannel::SetOwner(string inOwner) {
+	Owner = inOwner;
+	if(Permanent)
+		database.SetChannelOwner(Name, Owner);
+void ChatChannel::AddClient(Client *c) {
+	if(!c) return;
+	DeleteTimer.Disable();
+	if(IsClientInChannel(c)) {
+		_log(CHANNELS__ERROR, "Client %s already in channel %s", c->GetName().c_str(), GetName().c_str());
+		return;
+	}
+	bool HideMe = c->GetHideMe();
+	int AccountStatus = c->GetAccountStatus();
+	_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "Adding %s to channel %s", c->GetName().c_str(), Name.c_str());
+	LinkedListIterator<Client*> iterator(ClientsInChannel);
+	iterator.Reset();
+	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
+		Client *CurrentClient = iterator.GetData();
+		if(CurrentClient && CurrentClient->IsAnnounceOn())
+			if(!HideMe || (CurrentClient->GetAccountStatus() > AccountStatus))
+				CurrentClient->AnnounceJoin(this, c);
+		iterator.Advance();
+	}
+	ClientsInChannel.Insert(c);
+bool ChatChannel::RemoveClient(Client *c) {
+	if(!c) return false;
+	_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "RemoveClient %s from channel %s", c->GetName().c_str(), GetName().c_str());
+	bool HideMe = c->GetHideMe();
+	int AccountStatus = c->GetAccountStatus();
+	int PlayersInChannel = 0;
+	LinkedListIterator<Client*> iterator(ClientsInChannel);
+	iterator.Reset();
+	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
+		Client *CurrentClient = iterator.GetData();
+		if(CurrentClient == c) {
+			iterator.RemoveCurrent(false);
+		}
+		else if(CurrentClient) {
+			PlayersInChannel++;
+			if(CurrentClient->IsAnnounceOn())
+				if(!HideMe || (CurrentClient->GetAccountStatus() > AccountStatus))
+					CurrentClient->AnnounceLeave(this, c);
+			iterator.Advance();
+		}
+	}
+	if((PlayersInChannel == 0) && !Permanent) {
+		if((Password.length() == 0) || (RuleI(Channels, DeleteTimer) == 0))
+			return false;
+		_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "Starting delete timer for empty password protected channel %s", Name.c_str());
+		DeleteTimer.Start(RuleI(Channels, DeleteTimer) * 60000);
+	}
+	return true;
+void ChatChannel::SendOPList(Client *c) {
+	if(!c) return;
+	c->GeneralChannelMessage("Channel " + Name + " op-list: (Owner=" + Owner + ")");
+	list<string>::iterator Iterator;
+	for(Iterator = Moderators.begin(); Iterator != Moderators.end(); Iterator++)
+		c->GeneralChannelMessage((*Iterator));
+void ChatChannel::SendChannelMembers(Client *c) {
+	if(!c) return;
+	char CountString[10];
+	sprintf(CountString, "(%i)", MemberCount(c->GetAccountStatus()));
+	string Message = "Channel " + GetName();
+	Message += CountString;
+	Message += " members:";
+	c->GeneralChannelMessage(Message);
+	int AccountStatus = c->GetAccountStatus();
+	Message.clear();
+	int MembersInLine = 0;
+	LinkedListIterator<Client*> iterator(ClientsInChannel);
+	iterator.Reset();
+	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
+		Client *ChannelClient = iterator.GetData();
+		// Don't list hidden characters with status higher or equal than the character requesting the list.
+		//
+		if(!ChannelClient || (ChannelClient->GetHideMe() && (ChannelClient->GetAccountStatus() >= AccountStatus))) {
+			iterator.Advance();
+			continue;
+		}
+		if(MembersInLine > 0)
+			Message += ", ";
+		Message += ChannelClient->GetName();
+		MembersInLine++;
+		if(MembersInLine == 6) {
+			c->GeneralChannelMessage(Message);
+			MembersInLine = 0;
+			Message.clear();
+		}
+		iterator.Advance();
+	}
+	if(MembersInLine > 0)
+		c->GeneralChannelMessage(Message);
+void ChatChannel::SendMessageToChannel(string Message, Client* Sender) { /* edited for IRC -- Secrets*/
+	if(!Sender) return;
+	const ChatConfig *Config=ChatConfig::get();
+	LinkedListIterator<Client*> iterator(ClientsInChannel);
+	string ChannelToOutput = Config->ChannelToOutput.c_str();
+	char target[64];
+	strcpy(target,Config->ChannelToOutput.c_str());
+	iterator.Reset();
+	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
+		Client *ChannelClient = iterator.GetData();
+		if(ChannelClient)
+			ChannelClient->SendChannelMessage(Name, Message, Sender);
+		conn.privmsg(target,"%s tells channel '%s', '%s'", Sender->GetName().c_str(), Name.c_str()  , Message.c_str()); // Secrets -- IRC : Send message to IRC also
+		iterator.Advance();
+	}
+void ChatChannel::SendMessageToChannelFromIRC(string Message, string IRCName) { /* Sends IRC Messages to Game */
+	LinkedListIterator<Client*> iterator(ClientsInChannel);
+	iterator.Reset();
+	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
+		Client *ChannelClient = iterator.GetData();
+		if(ChannelClient)
+			ChannelClient->SendChannelMessageFromIRC(Message, IRCName);
+		iterator.Advance();
+	}
+void ChatChannel::SetModerated(bool inModerated) {
+	Moderated = inModerated;
+	LinkedListIterator<Client*> iterator(ClientsInChannel);
+	iterator.Reset();
+	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
+		Client *ChannelClient = iterator.GetData();
+		if(ChannelClient) {
+			if(Moderated)
+				ChannelClient->GeneralChannelMessage("Channel " + Name + " is now moderated.");
+			else
+				ChannelClient->GeneralChannelMessage("Channel " + Name + " is no longer moderated.");
+		}
+		iterator.Advance();
+	}
+bool ChatChannel::IsClientInChannel(Client *c) {
+	if(!c) return false;
+	LinkedListIterator<Client*> iterator(ClientsInChannel);
+	iterator.Reset();
+	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
+		if(iterator.GetData() == c)
+			return true;
+		iterator.Advance();
+	}
+	return false;
+ChatChannel *ChatChannelList::AddClientToChannel(string ChannelName, Client *c) {
+	if(!c) return NULL;
+	if((ChannelName.length() > 0) && (isdigit(ChannelName[0]))) {
+		c->GeneralChannelMessage("The channel name can not begin with a number.");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	string NormalisedName, Password;
+	string::size_type Colon = ChannelName.find_first_of(":");
+	if(Colon == string::npos) 
+		NormalisedName = CapitaliseName(ChannelName);
+	else {
+		NormalisedName = CapitaliseName(ChannelName.substr(0, Colon));
+		Password = ChannelName.substr(Colon + 1);
+	}
+	if((NormalisedName.length() > 64) || (Password.length() > 64)) {
+		c->GeneralChannelMessage("The channel name or password cannot exceed 64 characters.");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "AddClient to channel [%s] with password [%s]", NormalisedName.c_str(), Password.c_str());
+	ChatChannel *RequiredChannel = FindChannel(NormalisedName);
+	if(!RequiredChannel)
+		RequiredChannel = CreateChannel(NormalisedName, c->GetName(), Password, false, 0);
+	if(RequiredChannel->GetMinStatus() > c->GetAccountStatus()) {
+		string Message = "You do not have the required account status to join channel " + NormalisedName;
+		c->GeneralChannelMessage(Message);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if(RequiredChannel->IsClientInChannel(c))
+		return NULL;
+	if(RequiredChannel->IsInvitee(c->GetName())) {
+		RequiredChannel->AddClient(c);
+		RequiredChannel->RemoveInvitee(c->GetName());
+		return RequiredChannel;
+	}
+	if(RequiredChannel->CheckPassword(Password) || RequiredChannel->IsOwner(c->GetName()) || RequiredChannel->IsModerator(c->GetName()) ||
+	   c->IsChannelAdmin()) {
+		RequiredChannel->AddClient(c);
+		return RequiredChannel;
+	}
+	c->GeneralChannelMessage("Incorrect password for channel " + (NormalisedName));
+	return NULL;
+ChatChannel *ChatChannelList::RemoveClientFromChannel(string inChannelName, Client *c) {
+	if(!c) return NULL;
+	string ChannelName = inChannelName;
+	if((inChannelName.length() > 0) && isdigit(ChannelName[0]))
+		ChannelName = c->ChannelSlotName(atoi(inChannelName.c_str()));
+	ChatChannel *RequiredChannel = FindChannel(ChannelName);
+	if(!RequiredChannel)
+		return NULL;
+	// RemoveClient will return false if there is no-one left in the channel, and the channel is not permanent and has
+	// no password.
+	//
+	if(!RequiredChannel->RemoveClient(c))
+		RemoveChannel(RequiredChannel);
+	return RequiredChannel;
+void ChatChannelList::Process() {
+	LinkedListIterator<ChatChannel*> iterator(ChatChannels);
+	iterator.Reset();
+	while(iterator.MoreElements()) {
+		ChatChannel *CurrentChannel = iterator.GetData();
+		if(CurrentChannel && CurrentChannel->ReadyToDelete()) {
+			_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "Empty temporary password protected channel %s being destroyed.",
+				CurrentChannel->GetName().c_str());
+			RemoveChannel(CurrentChannel);
+		}
+		iterator.Advance();
+	}
+void ChatChannel::AddInvitee(string Invitee) {
+	if(!IsInvitee(Invitee)) {
+		Invitees.push_back(Invitee);
+		_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "Added %s as invitee to channel %s", Invitee.c_str(), Name.c_str());
+	}
+void ChatChannel::RemoveInvitee(string Invitee) {
+	list<string>::iterator Iterator;
+	for(Iterator = Invitees.begin(); Iterator != Invitees.end(); Iterator++) {
+		if((*Iterator) == Invitee) {
+			Invitees.erase(Iterator);
+			_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "Removed %s as invitee to channel %s", Invitee.c_str(), Name.c_str());
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+bool ChatChannel::IsInvitee(string Invitee) {
+	list<string>::iterator Iterator;
+	for(Iterator = Invitees.begin(); Iterator != Invitees.end(); Iterator++) {
+		if((*Iterator) == Invitee)
+			return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+void ChatChannel::AddModerator(string Moderator) {
+	if(!IsModerator(Moderator)) {
+		Moderators.push_back(Moderator);
+		_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "Added %s as moderator to channel %s", Moderator.c_str(), Name.c_str());
+	}
+void ChatChannel::RemoveModerator(string Moderator) {
+	list<string>::iterator Iterator;
+	for(Iterator = Moderators.begin(); Iterator != Moderators.end(); Iterator++) {
+		if((*Iterator) == Moderator) {
+			Moderators.erase(Iterator);
+			_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "Removed %s as moderator to channel %s", Moderator.c_str(), Name.c_str());
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+bool ChatChannel::IsModerator(string Moderator) {
+	list<string>::iterator Iterator;
+	for(Iterator = Moderators.begin(); Iterator != Moderators.end(); Iterator++) {
+		if((*Iterator) == Moderator)
+			return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+void ChatChannel::AddVoice(string inVoiced) {
+	if(!HasVoice(inVoiced)) {
+		Voiced.push_back(inVoiced);
+		_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "Added %s as voiced to channel %s", inVoiced.c_str(), Name.c_str());
+	}
+void ChatChannel::RemoveVoice(string inVoiced) {
+	list<string>::iterator Iterator;
+	for(Iterator = Voiced.begin(); Iterator != Voiced.end(); Iterator++) {
+		if((*Iterator) == inVoiced) {
+			Voiced.erase(Iterator);
+			_log(CHANNELS__TRACE, "Removed %s as voiced to channel %s", inVoiced.c_str(), Name.c_str());
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+bool ChatChannel::HasVoice(string inVoiced) {
+	list<string>::iterator Iterator;
+	for(Iterator = Voiced.begin(); Iterator != Voiced.end(); Iterator++) {
+		if((*Iterator) == inVoiced)
+			return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+string CapitaliseName(string inString) {
+	string NormalisedName = inString;
+	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NormalisedName.length(); i++) {
+		if(i == 0)
+			NormalisedName[i] = toupper(NormalisedName[i]);
+		else
+			NormalisedName[i] = tolower(NormalisedName[i]);
+	}
+	return NormalisedName;
Index: chatchannel.h
--- chatchannel.h	(revision 846)
+++ chatchannel.h	(working copy)
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 	int MemberCount(int Status);
 	string GetName() { return Name; }
 	void SendMessageToChannel(string Message, Client* Sender);
+	void SendMessageToChannelFromIRC(string Message, string IRCName);
 	bool CheckPassword(string inPassword) { return ((Password.length() == 0) || (Password == inPassword)); }
 	void SetPassword(string inPassword);
 	bool IsOwner(string Name) { return (Owner == Name); }
@@ -44,7 +45,6 @@
 	bool HasVoice(string Voiced);
 	inline bool IsModerated() { return Moderated; }
 	void SetModerated(bool inModerated);
 	friend class ChatChannelList;
Index: chatserver.cpp
--- chatserver.cpp	(revision 846)
+++ chatserver.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -1,155 +1,237 @@
-	EQEMu:  Everquest Server Emulator
-	Copyright (C) 2001-2008 EQEMu Development Team (
-	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-	the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY except by those people which sell it, which
-	are required to give you total support for your newly bought product;
-	without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
-	A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-	along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-	Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-#include "../common/debug.h"
-#include "clientlist.h"
-#include "../common/opcodemgr.h"
-#include "../common/EQStreamFactory.h"
-#include "../common/rulesys.h"
-#include "database.h"
-#include "ChatConfig.h"
-#include "chatchannel.h"
-#include <list>
-#include <signal.h>
-volatile bool RunLoops = true;
-TimeoutManager          timeout_manager;
-Clientlist *CL;
-ChatChannelList *ChannelList;
-Database database;
-string WorldShortName;
-RuleManager *rules = new RuleManager();
-void CatchSignal(int sig_num) {
-	RunLoops = false;
-string GetMailPrefix() {
-	return "SOE.EQ." + WorldShortName + ".";
-int main() {
-	// Check every minute for unused channels we can delete
-	//
-	Timer ChannelListProcessTimer(60000);
-	_log(CHANNELS__INIT, "Starting EQEmu Chat Channel Server");
-	if (!ChatConfig::LoadConfig()) {
-		_log(CHANNELS__INIT, "Loading server configuration failed.");
-		return(1);
-	}
-	const ChatConfig *Config=ChatConfig::get();
-	if(!load_log_settings(Config->LogSettingsFile.c_str()))
-		_log(CHANNELS__INIT, "Warning: Unable to read %s", Config->LogSettingsFile.c_str());
-	else
-		_log(CHANNELS__INIT, "Log settings loaded from %s", Config->LogSettingsFile.c_str());
-	WorldShortName = Config->ShortName;
-	_log(CHANNELS__INIT, "Connecting to MySQL...");
-	if (!database.Connect(
-		Config->DatabaseHost.c_str(),
-		Config->DatabaseUsername.c_str(),
-		Config->DatabasePassword.c_str(),
-		Config->DatabaseDB.c_str(),
-		Config->DatabasePort)) {
-		_log(WORLD__INIT_ERR, "Cannot continue without a database connection.");
-		return(1);
-	}
-	char tmp[64];
-	if (database.GetVariable("RuleSet", tmp, sizeof(tmp)-1)) {
-		_log(WORLD__INIT, "Loading rule set '%s'", tmp);
-		if(!rules->LoadRules(&database, tmp)) {
-			_log(CHANNELS__ERROR, "Failed to load ruleset '%s', falling back to defaults.", tmp);
-		}
-	} else {
-		if(!rules->LoadRules(&database, "default")) {
-			_log(CHANNELS__INIT, "No rule set configured, using default rules");
-		} else {
-			_log(CHANNELS__INIT, "Loaded default rule set 'default'", tmp);
-		}
-	}
-	CL = new Clientlist(Config->ChatPort);
-	ChannelList = new ChatChannelList();
-	database.LoadChatChannels();
-	if (signal(SIGINT, CatchSignal) == SIG_ERR)	{
-		_log(CHANNELS__ERROR, "Could not set signal handler");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (signal(SIGTERM, CatchSignal) == SIG_ERR)	{
-		_log(CHANNELS__ERROR, "Could not set signal handler");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	while(RunLoops) {
-		Timer::SetCurrentTime();
-		CL->Process();
-		if(ChannelListProcessTimer.Check())
-			ChannelList->Process();
-		timeout_manager.CheckTimeouts();
-		Sleep(100);
-	}
-	ChannelList->RemoveAllChannels();
-	CL->CloseAllConnections();
-void UpdateWindowTitle(char* iNewTitle) {
-#ifdef WIN32
-        char tmp[500];
-        if (iNewTitle) {
-                snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "World: %s", iNewTitle);
-        }
-        else {
-                snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "World");
-        }
-        SetConsoleTitle(tmp);
+	EQEMu:  Everquest Server Emulator
+	Copyright (C) 2001-2008 EQEMu Development Team (
+	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+	the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY except by those people which sell it, which
+	are required to give you total support for your newly bought product;
+	without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+	A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+	along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+	Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+#include "../common/debug.h"
+#include "clientlist.h"
+#include "../common/opcodemgr.h"
+#include "../common/EQStreamFactory.h"
+#include "../common/rulesys.h"
+#include "database.h"
+#include "ChatConfig.h"
+#include "chatchannel.h"
+#include "IRC.h"
+#include <list>
+#include <signal.h>
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include <process.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+volatile bool RunLoops = true;
+TimeoutManager          timeout_manager;
+Clientlist *CL;
+ChatChannelList *ChannelList;
+Database database;
+string WorldShortName;
+RuleManager *rules = new RuleManager();
+IRC conn; // Secrets edit
+void CatchSignal(int sig_num) {
+	RunLoops = false;
+string GetMailPrefix() {
+	return "SOE.EQ." + WorldShortName + ".";
+void IRCConnect(void* irc_conn) { /* maintains the loop for processing the other two IRC commands */
+		conn.message_loop();
+int end_of_motd(char* params, irc_reply_data* hostd, void* conn) /* hooks END OF MOTD message from IRC */
+	{
+		IRC* irc_conn=(IRC*)conn;
+		const ChatConfig *Config=ChatConfig::get();
+		char name[128];
+		strcpy(name,Config->ChatIRCHost.c_str());
+		irc_conn->join(name);
+		return 0;
+	}
+int triggers(char*params,irc_reply_data*hostd,void*conn) /* hooks privmsg to your specified channel */
+	IRC* irc_conn=(IRC*)conn;
+	const ChatConfig *Config=ChatConfig::get();
+	string ChannelName = Config->EQChannelToOutput;
+	ChatChannel *RequiredChannel = ChannelList->FindChannel(ChannelName);
+	char name[128];
+	strcpy(name,Config->ChannelToOutput.c_str());
+	if(!strcmp(params,":!rejoin"))
+	{
+		irc_conn->join(name);
+	}		
+	string parame = params;
+	string IRCName = hostd->nick;
+	if(!strcmp(hostd->target,name))
+	{
+		RequiredChannel->SendMessageToChannelFromIRC(parame, IRCName); // I got an IRC command, now let's send it
+	}
+	return 0;
+int main() {
+	// Check every minute for unused channels we can delete
+	//
+	Timer ChannelListProcessTimer(60000);
+	_log(CHANNELS__INIT, "Starting EQEmu Chat Channel Server");
+	if (!ChatConfig::LoadConfig()) {
+		_log(CHANNELS__INIT, "Loading server configuration failed.");
+		return(1);
+	}
+	const ChatConfig *Config=ChatConfig::get();
+	/* begin IRC crap */
+	#ifndef WIN32
+	pthread_t th1;
+	#endif
+	char array1[64];
+	char array2[64];
+	strcpy(array1, Config->ChatIRCHost.c_str());
+	strcpy(array2, Config->ChatIRCNick.c_str());
+	conn.hook_irc_command("PRIVMSG",&triggers);
+	conn.hook_irc_command("376", &end_of_motd); /* hook the end of MOTD message */
+	conn.start(array1,Config->ChatIRCPort,array2,"EQEMu IRC Bot","EQEMu IRC Bot",0);
+	#ifdef WIN32
+	_beginthread(IRCConnect,0,(void*)&conn);
+	#else
+	pthread_create(&th1,NULL,IRCConnect,(void*)&conn);
+	#endif
+	/* end irc crap */
+	if(!load_log_settings(Config->LogSettingsFile.c_str()))
+		_log(CHANNELS__INIT, "Warning: Unable to read %s", Config->LogSettingsFile.c_str());
+	else
+		_log(CHANNELS__INIT, "Log settings loaded from %s", Config->LogSettingsFile.c_str());
+	WorldShortName = Config->ShortName;
+	_log(CHANNELS__INIT, "Connecting to MySQL...");
+	if (!database.Connect(
+		Config->DatabaseHost.c_str(),
+		Config->DatabaseUsername.c_str(),
+		Config->DatabasePassword.c_str(),
+		Config->DatabaseDB.c_str(),
+		Config->DatabasePort)) {
+		_log(WORLD__INIT_ERR, "Cannot continue without a database connection.");
+		return(1);
+	}
+	char tmp[64];
+	if (database.GetVariable("RuleSet", tmp, sizeof(tmp)-1)) {
+		_log(WORLD__INIT, "Loading rule set '%s'", tmp);
+		if(!rules->LoadRules(&database, tmp)) {
+			_log(CHANNELS__ERROR, "Failed to load ruleset '%s', falling back to defaults.", tmp);
+		}
+	} else {
+		if(!rules->LoadRules(&database, "default")) {
+			_log(CHANNELS__INIT, "No rule set configured, using default rules");
+		} else {
+			_log(CHANNELS__INIT, "Loaded default rule set 'default'", tmp);
+		}
+	}
+	CL = new Clientlist(Config->ChatPort);
+	ChannelList = new ChatChannelList();
+	database.LoadChatChannels();
+	if (signal(SIGINT, CatchSignal) == SIG_ERR)	{
+		_log(CHANNELS__ERROR, "Could not set signal handler");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (signal(SIGTERM, CatchSignal) == SIG_ERR)	{
+		_log(CHANNELS__ERROR, "Could not set signal handler");
+		return 0;
+	}
+	while(RunLoops) {
+		Timer::SetCurrentTime();
+		CL->Process();
+		if(ChannelListProcessTimer.Check())
+		ChannelList->Process();
+		timeout_manager.CheckTimeouts();
+		Sleep(100);
+	}
+	ChannelList->RemoveAllChannels();
+	CL->CloseAllConnections();
+void UpdateWindowTitle(char* iNewTitle) {
+#ifdef WIN32
+        char tmp[500];
+        if (iNewTitle) {
+                snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "World: %s", iNewTitle);
+        }
+        else {
+                snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "World");
+        }
+        SetConsoleTitle(tmp);
\ No newline at end of file
Index: chatserver.vcproj
--- chatserver.vcproj	(revision 846)
+++ chatserver.vcproj	(working copy)
@@ -193,6 +193,10 @@
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\IRC.cpp"
+				>
+			</File>
 			Name="Header Files"
@@ -215,6 +219,10 @@
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\IRC.h"
+				>
+			</File>
 			Name="Common Header Files"
Index: clientlist.cpp
--- clientlist.cpp	(revision 846)
+++ clientlist.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include "clientlist.h"
 #include "database.h"
 #include "chatchannel.h"
+#include "ChatConfig.h" // Secrets -- IRC
 #include "../common/EQStreamFactory.h"
 #include "../common/EmuTCPConnection.h"
@@ -436,6 +437,7 @@
 void Clientlist::CloseAllConnections() {
@@ -1003,6 +1005,31 @@
+void Client::SendChannelMessageFromIRC(string Message, string IRCName) { /* Packet handler for IRC Messages */
+	const ChatConfig *Config=ChatConfig::get();
+	string FQSenderName = "IRC." + IRCName;
+	string ChannelName = Config->EQChannelToOutput.c_str();
+	int PacketLength = ChannelName.length() + Message.length() + FQSenderName.length() + 3;
+	EQApplicationPacket *outapp = new EQApplicationPacket(OP_ChannelMessage, PacketLength);
+	char *PacketBuffer = (char *)outapp->pBuffer;
+	VARSTRUCT_ENCODE_STRING(PacketBuffer, ChannelName.c_str());
+	VARSTRUCT_ENCODE_STRING(PacketBuffer, FQSenderName.c_str());
+	VARSTRUCT_ENCODE_STRING(PacketBuffer, Message.c_str());
+	_pkt(CHANNELS__PACKETS, outapp);
+	QueuePacket(outapp);
+	safe_delete(outapp);
 void Client::ToggleAnnounce() {
 	string Message = "Announcing now ";
Index: clientlist.h
--- clientlist.h	(revision 846)
+++ clientlist.h	(working copy)
@@ -1,156 +1,157 @@
-	EQEMu:  Everquest Server Emulator
-	Copyright (C) 2001-2008 EQEMu Development Team (
-	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-	the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY except by those people which sell it, which
-	are required to give you total support for your newly bought product;
-	without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
-	A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-	along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-	Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-#include "../common/opcodemgr.h"
-#include "../common/EQStreamType.h"
-#include "../common/EQStreamFactory.h"
-#include "../common/rulesys.h"
-#include "chatchannel.h"
-#include <list>
-#include <vector>
-enum { CommandJoin = 0, CommandLeaveAll, CommandLeave, CommandListAll, CommandList, CommandSet, CommandAnnounce, CommandSetOwner,
-       CommandOPList, CommandInvite, CommandGrant, CommandModerate, CommandVoice, CommandKick, 
-       CommandPassword, CommandToggleInvites, CommandAFK, CommandUptime, CommandEndOfList };
-struct CommandEntry {
-	const char *CommandString;
-	int    CommandCode;
-static const CommandEntry Commands[] = { 
-					 { "join", CommandJoin },
-					 { "leaveall", CommandLeaveAll },
-					 { "leave", CommandLeave },
-					 { "listall", CommandListAll },
-					 { "list", CommandList },
-					 { "set", CommandSet },
-					 { "announce", CommandAnnounce },
-					 { "setowner", CommandSetOwner },
-					 { "oplist", CommandOPList },
-					 { "invite", CommandInvite },
-					 { "grant", CommandGrant },
-					 { "moderate", CommandModerate },
-					 { "voice", CommandVoice },
-					 { "kick", CommandKick },
-					 { "password", CommandPassword },
-					 { "toggleinvites", CommandToggleInvites },
-					 { "afk", CommandAFK },
-					 { "uptime", CommandUptime },
-					 { "", CommandEndOfList } };
-class Client {
-	Client(EQStream* eqs);
-	~Client();
-	EQStream *ClientStream;
-	void AddCharacter(const char *CharacterName);
-	void ClearCharacters() { Characters.clear(); }
-	void SendMailBoxes();
-	inline void QueuePacket(const EQApplicationPacket *p, bool ack_req=true) { ClientStream->QueuePacket(p, ack_req); }
-	string GetName() { if(Characters.size()) return Characters[0]; else return ""; }
-	void JoinChannels(string ChannelList);
-	void LeaveChannels(string ChannelList);
-	void LeaveAllChannels(bool SendUpdatedChannelList = true);
-	void AddToChannelList(ChatChannel *JoinedChannel);
-	void RemoveFromChannelList(ChatChannel *JoinedChannel);
-	void SendChannelMessage(string Message);
-	void SendChannelMessage(string ChannelName, string Message, Client *Sender);
-	void SendChannelMessageByNumber(string Message);
-	void SendChannelList();
-	void CloseConnection();
-	void ToggleAnnounce();
-	bool IsAnnounceOn() { return (Announce == true); }
-	void AnnounceJoin(ChatChannel *Channel, Client *c);
-	void AnnounceLeave(ChatChannel *Channel, Client *c);
-	void GeneralChannelMessage(string Message);
-	void GeneralChannelMessage(const char *Characters);
-	void SetChannelPassword(string ChannelPassword);
-	void ProcessChannelList(string CommandString);
-	void ProcessKarma();
-	int ChannelCount();
-	inline void SetAccountID(int inAccountID) { AccountID = inAccountID; }
-	inline int GetAccountID() { return AccountID; }
-	inline void SetAccountStatus(int inStatus) { Status = inStatus; }
-	inline void SetHideMe(bool inHideMe) { HideMe = inHideMe; }
-	inline void SetKarma(uint32 inKarma) { TotalKarma = inKarma; }
-	inline int GetAccountStatus() { return Status; }
-	inline bool GetHideMe() { return HideMe; }
-	inline uint32 GetKarma() { return TotalKarma; }
-	void SetChannelOwner(string CommandString);
-	void OPList(string CommandString);
-	void ChannelInvite(string CommandString);
-	void ChannelGrantModerator(string CommandString);
-	void ChannelGrantVoice(string CommandString);
-	void ChannelKick(string CommandString);
-	void ChannelModerate(string CommandString);
-	string ChannelSlotName(int ChannelNumber);
-	void ToggleInvites();
-	bool InvitesAllowed() { return AllowInvites; }
-	inline bool IsChannelAdmin() { return (Status >= RuleI(Channels, RequiredStatusAdmin)); }
-	inline bool CanListAllChannels() { return (Status >= RuleI(Channels, RequiredStatusListAll)); }
-	void SendHelp();
-	inline bool GetForceDisconnect() { return ForceDisconnect; }
-	int CurrentMailBox;
-	vector<string> Characters;
-	ChatChannel *JoinedChannels[MAX_JOINED_CHANNELS];
-	bool Announce;
-	int AccountID;
-	int Status;
-	bool HideMe;
-	bool AllowInvites;
+	EQEMu:  Everquest Server Emulator
+	Copyright (C) 2001-2008 EQEMu Development Team (
+	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+	the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY except by those people which sell it, which
+	are required to give you total support for your newly bought product;
+	without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+	A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+	along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+	Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+#include "../common/opcodemgr.h"
+#include "../common/EQStreamType.h"
+#include "../common/EQStreamFactory.h"
+#include "../common/rulesys.h"
+#include "chatchannel.h"
+#include <list>
+#include <vector>
+enum { CommandJoin = 0, CommandLeaveAll, CommandLeave, CommandListAll, CommandList, CommandSet, CommandAnnounce, CommandSetOwner,
+       CommandOPList, CommandInvite, CommandGrant, CommandModerate, CommandVoice, CommandKick, 
+       CommandPassword, CommandToggleInvites, CommandAFK, CommandUptime, CommandEndOfList };
+struct CommandEntry {
+	const char *CommandString;
+	int    CommandCode;
+static const CommandEntry Commands[] = { 
+					 { "join", CommandJoin },
+					 { "leaveall", CommandLeaveAll },
+					 { "leave", CommandLeave },
+					 { "listall", CommandListAll },
+					 { "list", CommandList },
+					 { "set", CommandSet },
+					 { "announce", CommandAnnounce },
+					 { "setowner", CommandSetOwner },
+					 { "oplist", CommandOPList },
+					 { "invite", CommandInvite },
+					 { "grant", CommandGrant },
+					 { "moderate", CommandModerate },
+					 { "voice", CommandVoice },
+					 { "kick", CommandKick },
+					 { "password", CommandPassword },
+					 { "toggleinvites", CommandToggleInvites },
+					 { "afk", CommandAFK },
+					 { "uptime", CommandUptime },
+					 { "", CommandEndOfList } };
+class Client {
+	Client(EQStream* eqs);
+	~Client();
+	EQStream *ClientStream;
+	void AddCharacter(const char *CharacterName);
+	void ClearCharacters() { Characters.clear(); }
+	void SendMailBoxes();
+	inline void QueuePacket(const EQApplicationPacket *p, bool ack_req=true) { ClientStream->QueuePacket(p, ack_req); }
+	string GetName() { if(Characters.size()) return Characters[0]; else return ""; }
+	void JoinChannels(string ChannelList);
+	void LeaveChannels(string ChannelList);
+	void LeaveAllChannels(bool SendUpdatedChannelList = true);
+	void AddToChannelList(ChatChannel *JoinedChannel);
+	void RemoveFromChannelList(ChatChannel *JoinedChannel);
+	void SendChannelMessage(string Message);
+	void SendChannelMessage(string ChannelName, string Message, Client *Sender);
+	void SendChannelMessageFromIRC(string Message, string IRCName);
+	void SendChannelMessageByNumber(string Message);
+	void SendChannelList();
+	void CloseConnection();
+	void ToggleAnnounce();
+	bool IsAnnounceOn() { return (Announce == true); }
+	void AnnounceJoin(ChatChannel *Channel, Client *c);
+	void AnnounceLeave(ChatChannel *Channel, Client *c);
+	void GeneralChannelMessage(string Message);
+	void GeneralChannelMessage(const char *Characters);
+	void SetChannelPassword(string ChannelPassword);
+	void ProcessChannelList(string CommandString);
+	void ProcessKarma();
+	int ChannelCount();
+	inline void SetAccountID(int inAccountID) { AccountID = inAccountID; }
+	inline int GetAccountID() { return AccountID; }
+	inline void SetAccountStatus(int inStatus) { Status = inStatus; }
+	inline void SetHideMe(bool inHideMe) { HideMe = inHideMe; }
+	inline void SetKarma(uint32 inKarma) { TotalKarma = inKarma; }
+	inline int GetAccountStatus() { return Status; }
+	inline bool GetHideMe() { return HideMe; }
+	inline uint32 GetKarma() { return TotalKarma; }
+	void SetChannelOwner(string CommandString);
+	void OPList(string CommandString);
+	void ChannelInvite(string CommandString);
+	void ChannelGrantModerator(string CommandString);
+	void ChannelGrantVoice(string CommandString);
+	void ChannelKick(string CommandString);
+	void ChannelModerate(string CommandString);
+	string ChannelSlotName(int ChannelNumber);
+	void ToggleInvites();
+	bool InvitesAllowed() { return AllowInvites; }
+	inline bool IsChannelAdmin() { return (Status >= RuleI(Channels, RequiredStatusAdmin)); }
+	inline bool CanListAllChannels() { return (Status >= RuleI(Channels, RequiredStatusListAll)); }
+	void SendHelp();
+	inline bool GetForceDisconnect() { return ForceDisconnect; }
+	int CurrentMailBox;
+	vector<string> Characters;
+	ChatChannel *JoinedChannels[MAX_JOINED_CHANNELS];
+	bool Announce;
+	int AccountID;
+	int Status;
+	bool HideMe;
+	bool AllowInvites;
 	//Anti Spam Stuff
 	Timer *KarmaGrabUpdateTimer;
 	uint32 TotalKarma;
 	Timer *GlobalChatLimiterTimer; //60 seconds
-	int AttemptedMessages;
-	bool ForceDisconnect;
-class Clientlist {
-	Clientlist(int MailPort);
-	void	Process();
-	void	CloseAllConnections();
-	Client *FindCharacter(string CharacterName);
-	void	CheckForStaleConnections(Client *c);
-	EQStreamFactory *chatsf;
-	list<Client*> ClientChatConnections;
-	OpcodeManager *ChatOpMgr;
+	int AttemptedMessages;
+	bool ForceDisconnect;
+class Clientlist {
+	Clientlist(int MailPort);
+	void	Process();
+	void	CloseAllConnections();
+	Client *FindCharacter(string CharacterName);
+	void	CheckForStaleConnections(Client *c);
+	EQStreamFactory *chatsf;
+	list<Client*> ClientChatConnections;
+	OpcodeManager *ChatOpMgr;
Diff for those who are interested

Last edited by Secrets; 07-30-2009 at 06:28 AM.. Reason: code, not quote
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