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Old 09-24-2023, 10:00 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Eastern United States
Posts: 2

Yes. You can wget/curl that script, and start by editing the fields defined at the top under "System User, Database and Dirs". Once that's done, I'd start with using the "preinstall" and then "install" options. One of these two will generate a new copy of the script inside the server directory. Use this copy in that directory from here on out.

After that, you'll want to use "setupini" which generates a login.ini and db.ini file - as far as I can tell this is only needed if you are running your own loginserver (which you probably will be on a local server).

Where you may hit snags booting it up (as of this writing):
* The script puts puts a LSsettings_table field in the login.ini under the [database] section which doesn't appear to work. I don't think this is being used, but it *does* want a "loginserver_setting_table" under the [schema] section with the same tablename listed (tblloginserversettings). The default is to have a separate database for loginsserver tables.

* chat_opcodes.conf needs to be symlinked from the root of the server directory in order for ucs to boot up. You'll find this in source/utils/patches/chat_opcodes.conf. The script won't symlink that one for you.

* patch_Mac.conf need to be symlinked as well - this is found in source/utils/patches/patch_Mac.conf

* Your login.ini allows you to set up auto_registration for new accounts, but barring that (and assuming you don't have a registration website to do this) you would need to manually create accounts in your loginserver database (tblLoginServerAccounts).

* Troubleshooting Login: If you run the loginserver manually, it produces stdout/stderr output that makes it much easier to troubleshoot initial login to and from server select from your client. Running it via the script pipes that output to /dev/null because you won't want it once you get everything working.

Login Server Details:
* First add a server admin account (this is not a GM account) to tblServerAdminRegistration. You'll use this account name and password in your eqemu_config.json for the loginserver settings.

* Add your world server entry to tblWorldServerRegistration and make sure the ServerID from the previous step is added under ServerAdminID. The LongName and ShortName you set in here will also be in your eqemu_config.json

* Make sure you have a tblloginserversettings; this sets allowed client types, whether server select displays population count (or just UP/DOWN), and sets the ticker displayed on compatible clients.

* tblServerListType should have Legends, Preferred, and Standard

* User accounts, of course, go in tblLoginServerAccounts (either web registration, manual adds to the database, or via auto_registration). The server will populate these in your player data once you create a new character.

I hope that's helpful. Good luck!
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