Thread: Huppy's Sandbox
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Old 09-27-2021, 11:50 PM
Huppy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,333

Originally Posted by ChaosSlayerZ View Post
Best of luck to you HUPPY,
Thanks Chaos. It's nothing too serious. Woke up one day with my entire upper body in more pain than I had ever experienced. 5 days of hell, barely slept or ate. I thought it was coming from an older spinal fracture injury. It was hard to pinpoint the epicentre of the pain, it was so vast, but finally went to hospital and found out it was an acute inflamed pancreas that caused it all. After they did the CT scan that day, they also found a little malignant spot on my right kidney. /shrug

It's kind of like when you find a little glitch in the source code, something else pops up.

I haven't stayed in a hospital, since before wireless internet existed, but we have a new hospital here, so I am not sure if it's available to patients. If it's there, I may be able to pop up once in awhile.
Hanging out at Antonica.World
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