Originally Posted by OldenGray
if only you could still buff/heal and be buffed /healed after you turn in the book to priest of discord by players who choose to not pvp and vice versa we could all play on one server 
This is a very old thread, and it probably wasn't worth necroing, but why not...
It would be nice for PVE/PVP to coexist like that, but it would be entirely unfair. All you need to have is a high level priest class to constantly heal/buff you during PVP fights and you win. Yes, the other person could technically have the same advantage, but the PVE healer cannot be attacked, so it's simply an unfair advantage.
Perhaps this would work if there was an out of combat timer; say if someone flagged for PvP attacked another player flagged for PvP, the attacker couldn't be helped by any PvE players until out of combat for X amount of time. The defender could be helped until he attacked back, and then he too would have to be out of combat for a while before others could heal/buff him again.
This is a very simple way to make it work, and similar solutions exist in other games.
Without someway to negate the unfair advantage, I wouldn't suggest combining the two game types in the way that you've described.