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Quests::Plugins & Mods Completed plugins for public use as well as modifications.

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Old 11-29-2016, 09:14 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: San Diego
Posts: 12

Hey guys, do you know what may be causing this error? I used the installer (Thank you infinitely for that) and have added in the perl updates as stated in the wiki. I am running it from the command line after CD'ing it to my directory. There doesn't appear to be anything dropping from mobs in game.

So the steps I have taken:
Created folder, named and set to .pl file type
Pasted Code in
Opened CMD and typed perl DiabloLoot.pl All

Thanks for any help and your work on this project
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Old 11-30-2016, 11:30 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: San Diego
Posts: 12

I think it might have something to do with this table

I don't know how to add a table to the database yet, but I'm reading and trying to figure it out.
So that was the case. If anyone takes the shortbus like me, here is how I added the table to my database and fixed the above error.

Load up HeidiSQL, put in the info to access the DB which is listed in the config file (User: Root PW: eqemu DB: peq)
Select 'New Query'
Paste the data from the table provided at the end of the instructions for the mod here.
press the triangle button to run the script

THEN you can run the mod and it will give a much nicer message.
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