Not sure if this includes SoF, but.
1. The Ruins of Kunark (March 2000)
2. The Scars of Velious (December 2000)
3. The Shadows of Luclin (December 2001)
4. The Planes of Power (October 2002)
5. The Legacy of Ykesha (February 2003)
6. Lost Dungeons of Norrath (September 2003)
7. Gates of Discord (February 2004)
8. Omens of War (September 2004)
9. Dragons of Norrath (February 2005)
10. Depths of Darkhollow (September 2005)
are included in Titanium
11. Prophecy of Ro (February 2006)
12. The Serpent's Spine (September 2006)
13. The Buried Sea (February 2007)
14. Secrets of Faydwer (November 2007)
are in SoF
Prophecies of Ro:
* Player-Set Traps
* Destructible Objects
* Eight New Bank Spaces
* Buff Filters
* Free New Zone: Freeport Sewers
* New "Aura" spells
Aura effect fix for Titanium possible?
Auras for SoF client.
Buff filter # command for Titanium compatibility, and SoF usage?
The Serpent's Spine:
New /con system:
* Grey - This creature is trivial to you and will give you no experience for killing it.
* Green - This creature is not much of a threat, but will still give you some experience.
* Light Blue - This creature is below your level, but high enough level to give you experience.
* Dark Blue - This creature is below your level, but a solid challenge, giving more experience than a light blue mob.
* White - This creature is the same level as you.
* Yellow - This creature is slightly above your level.
* Red - This creature is well above your level.
# "Lore Information" tab on certain items
# New stat: "SV CORRUPTION" (some NPCs' AE attacks are corruption-based, requiring a corruption cure)
#New out-of-combat regeneration system allows you to sit down and rest after being out of combat for 30 seconds (group) or 5 minutes (raid). An icon displays your status:
New out-of-combat regeneration system allows you to sit down and rest after being out of combat for 30 seconds (group) or 5 minutes (raid). An icon displays your status:
* Crossed Swords - You are currently in combat.
* Hour Glass - You are recovering from combat and cannot rest yet. In addition to the hourglass, there is a timer bar beneath the endurance bar that will count down as you get closer to being rested.
* Poison Drop - You are no longer in combat, but cannot rest because of a debuff that is affecting you. You must get rid of the debuff before you can rest. Certain debuffs now have a yellow border instead of a red one. These debuffs do not affect your ability to rest.
* Void - The void is the default icon and indicates that you are not in-combat and you can rest at any time.
* Energy Swirl - The energy swirl indicates that you are currently resting.
The Buried Sea
# Energeian Items (Powersources)
* Only items from TBS with the stat called "Purity" can use the effect of a powersource.
* When you equip a powersource, all such items you have equipped will automatically take the powersource's effect.
* The "Purity" stat is a percentage. The item will pull x% of the powersource's stats as long as the powersource remains equipped.
o Powersources weaken over time at a rate which depends on how many items are drawing power from the powersource. They can last a maximum 139 hours (only one item equipped) down to a minimum of 11 hours (10 items equipped).
* Powersources for levels up to ~70 can be tradeskilled.
* Powersources for higher levels can be found through the Combine Empire Merchants in Katta Castrum (same area of this map).
* Group-level powersources are bought from Trader Vallarines using Orux. (??? Faction required)
* Raid-level powersources are bought from Master Pokk using Phosphites. (Ally faction required.)
# Fellowships
* Like a "mini-guild" but exist in addition to guilds.
* Maximum of nine players (though the manual says the max. is 6, in game it is apparently nine).
* See the bestiary entry for Randall of the Fellows for detailed information about and how to set up Fellowships.
* Randall, as well as vendor Fellows Wyllie and Byllie, are located in the building next to the Nexus Stone in the Plane of Knowledge.
# Guild Banners
* Guilds can create a unique Guild Banner from a large selection of symbols and colors.
* Once a guild has three groups in a zone, an officer can plant a banner in that zone, allowing other guild members to teleport to it.
* Teleport using the Guild Hall portal ("Splinter from a Guild Standard" for ~184pp).
* Guild Banner vendors Rhondda and Sephorra can be found in the building next to the Nexus Stone in the Plane of Knowledge.
* See the bestiary entry for Rhondda the Flagger for detailed information about Guild Banners and how to set them up.
Secrets of Faydwer:
* Heroic Statistics will be found on many SOF-dropped items, both at the raid and group level, and will modify things such as avoidance and mitigation, give extra melee damage, add extra modifiers to HP, Mana, and Endurance, and so forth.
* The level cap increases from 75 to 80.
Expansions not included yet:
15. Seeds of Destruction (October 200

16. Announced:Underfoot[3] (December 2009)[14]