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Old 07-01-2021, 05:04 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2021
Posts: 10
Default New Spell: item description info "Not working"

Very old time player of EQ. Much respect for the work everyone has done here that has re sparked in me an old addiction.

I have a fully functioning (personal) server inspired by

I have modified quite a number of things and have a group of 6 toons running around Najena trying to get Jboots.

I started wanting to visit "old Plane of Hate". I have managed to get the zone working. My GM toon can port there. I created an Item to mem a new Wiz spell called Spell: Rend Hate. Item IMG The item description here works really well. I can change aspects of this as needed. (This is also what I will reference later)

I know I have fixed the spell_us.txt file as the spell wouldnt let me mem it into the spell book until I did. Which it now casts as intended GM casting spell.

THE PROBLEM I have is if I "hold right click" on the spell icon in the spell book or the spell Gem it comes up with an ERROR. Item Description Error: Item description not set

When it should be something like Other spell item

Now the item I created is right but the item being "auto created" to put into the spell book doesnt seem to be right so I think I might be missing a second item? I have done a lot of googling but cant seem to find it. Any help would be awesome.

Edited to throw solution in at start in case someone comes looking.
SOLUTION: It was an overflow problem.

I changed the spell number down to 41850 (changed NOTHING else) and all info is there now including the "grey text"

I had to edit the ID number using Heidi and then change both the spells_us.txt and the dbstr_us.txt

I dont know which 1 of the 3 was killing it but I suspect it was the spells_us.txt as I know the info was coming through from dbstr_us.txt and I could change that while the spell was 45000.

I hope this saves some people a LOT of time in the future only spent like 12 hours trying things to learn this.

THANKS for the help!!.
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Old 07-01-2021, 05:15 PM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: MA
Posts: 1,164

We probably don't handle the packet correctly when you inspect from the spell book (I think that's a newer addition to EQ, could you do that in older clients?), I guess I can sit down and see what's sent

EDIT: actually, doesn't look like there is anything sent when you do this. My guess, you have a spell field set incorrectly.
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Old 07-01-2021, 05:21 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2021
Posts: 10

I dont know. I have Titanium but I am fearful of spending a bunch of time testing something I wouldnt use. I should have mentioned that I am using RoF2 very unmoded and downloaded from Cream's info.

If it helps: Once I inspect an other item if I go back to the Errored one it displays the previous items info.

The error only happens once right on login. (Not server restart) which would clearly mean to me its something client side not Server?
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Old 07-01-2021, 05:22 PM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: MA
Posts: 1,164

One of the various spell fields named something like "desc" is probably wrong.
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Old 07-01-2021, 05:23 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2021
Posts: 10

Originally Posted by demonstar55 View Post
We probably don't handle the packet correctly when you inspect from the spell book (I think that's a newer addition to EQ, could you do that in older clients?), I guess I can sit down and see what's sent

EDIT: actually, doesn't look like there is anything sent when you do this. My guess, you have a spell field set incorrectly.
I copied the spell info from the other spell Alter Hate. I have checked the spell info from many other spells also and have a fairly good handle on what each SQL column is in the spell info. If it was something like that I would have expected it to display the info for the old spell not just give me an error?
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Old 07-01-2021, 05:27 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2021
Posts: 10

Originally Posted by demonstar55 View Post
One of the various spell fields named something like "desc" is probably wrong.
I want to be clear. I actually think you are right. The spell I copied is spell 666. My new spell ID is 45000. I suspect when you right click it tries to find a link to somewhere that gives info about spell 45000 "using the ID" and I have not put that info in. When you click the old spell it uses the ID of "666" so it finds the right info.

Now I have gone looking where this info might link to there is an items_us.txt but its not in there I dont think (infact I dont think this is even used?) but I cant seem to find where this "structure" of the Description pane is even stored.
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Old 07-01-2021, 05:30 PM
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 53

Watch your maximum Spell ID per client.


You will also need to edit the dbstr file to include the descriptions and information regarding that spell.
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Old 07-01-2021, 05:31 PM
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Originally Posted by fryguy View Post
Watch your maximum Spell ID per client.

100% it. Just looking into how it works on the client and it sounds like a spell isn't loaded client side.
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Old 07-01-2021, 05:43 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2021
Posts: 10

Originally Posted by fryguy View Post
Watch your maximum Spell ID per client.


You will also need to edit the dbstr file to include the descriptions and information regarding that spell.
Agreed. I have already edited that file however. Thats how I was able to change the info for the spell before its memed dbstr.txt edit

Shows up here
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Old 07-01-2021, 05:45 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2021
Posts: 10

Originally Posted by demonstar55 View Post
100% it. Just looking into how it works on the client and it sounds like a spell isn't loaded client side.
The max spell ID on the client side is < 50000. I know as it created the id 50000 for my spell originally and I couldnt cast it. Once I changed it to a free ID of 45000 it worked for the GM to cast.

There are a LOT less that 50000 spells.
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Old 07-01-2021, 05:48 PM
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Originally Posted by TillNick View Post
The max spell ID on the client side is < 50000. I know as it created the id 50000 for my spell originally and I couldnt cast it. Once I changed it to a free ID of 45000 it worked for the GM to cast.

There are a LOT less that 50000 spells.
Tit has a much smaller cap.
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Old 07-01-2021, 10:01 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2021
Posts: 10

I have been doing a LOT of digging on this and no closer.
I tried replicating my results by making a second spell. For some reason I cant make that one into a scroll as it is failing somewhere I must have changed the first time.

However I have found back to my first problem some more info that narrows down where I am having problems.

My spell scroll is missing the "grey text" which I would suggest is part of the "Spell" not being correct. Grey spell text

Does anyone know how this grey text is generated / linked to?
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Old 07-01-2021, 10:32 PM
ChaosSlayerZ's Avatar
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T client has cap of 10,000 spell ids. Strongly suggest by moving your spell id below that number to start with.
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Old 07-01-2021, 11:14 PM
Join Date: Mar 2021
Posts: 14

I don't recommend making it spell ID 45000 and if you are on Titanium the Spell ID is the issue with your "Description not set" thing. They are right that for Titanium the max is 9999/10k.

Now on RoF2 I think it is exactly 45k where spells past that level will bug your whole spell file and will erase spell effects and have a few other weird side effects. (You can go up to 50k but its not recommended going past 44999).

In order to change the description of the spell you need to find it's 'descnum' this is a field in your spells_us table in your database.

That number corresponds to an entry in your dbstr_us.txt (in your root EQ folder) and will have a ^6 after it (6 are for spell descriptions). You will need to fix the description in there (or assign it to a new ID) and distribute that file to anyone playing on your server.

You can check what all the data means in dbstr_us.txt here.

Hope this helps as it seems like a lot of people are misunderstanding your question. Or maybe I am?
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Old 07-01-2021, 11:41 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2021
Posts: 10

Originally Posted by EQEmpires View Post
I don't recommend making it spell ID 45000 and if you are on Titanium the Spell ID is the issue with your "Description not set" thing. They are right that for Titanium the max is 9999/10k.

Now on RoF2 I think it is exactly 45k where spells past that level will bug your whole spell file and will erase spell effects and have a few other weird side effects. (You can go up to 50k but its not recommended going past 44999).

In order to change the description of the spell you need to find it's 'descnum' this is a field in your spells_us table in your database.

That number corresponds to an entry in your dbstr_us.txt (in your root EQ folder) and will have a ^6 after it (6 are for spell descriptions). You will need to fix the description in there (or assign it to a new ID) and distribute that file to anyone playing on your server.

You can check what all the data means in dbstr_us.txt here.

Hope this helps as it seems like a lot of people are misunderstanding your question. Or maybe I am?
Already ahead of you I am not using Ti. I am using RoF2. And I have edited the dbstr_us.txt file. It doesnt help.

I have tried using the spell 44999 - Same result

There are also a huge number of spells above 45000 I can get my GM to use an item to mem into spell book and use without issue so I dont think its a spell count thats the problem.

Item 117622 is a Scroll: Spiritual Swell. It has a spell scrolleffect:49199

There are hundreds more.

Actually I think I was wrong here ....... Happens .... Those spells are missing info and have an issue with Lvl 255 being required.
Is it possible that the dbstr_us.txt has a 50000 cap on it also?

I do know with my testing it has something to do with the Spell and NOT the item.
I can change the spell the item links to under "Desc Num:" and the item works as intended.

It has something to do with spells_us.txt (which I have edited many times)
or it has something to do with numbers in the DB. However I have literally manually copied over each value and the problem is still there.

I am sure there is something I am missing as the item references the spell Via ID by putting a 0 in front of it. So spell 666 comes out to id 0666
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description, error, item, item info, new spell

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