I installed it on a fresh VM running Windows 7 Pro 64bit with every available Windows Update installed.
The main installation seems to have gone off without a hitch, but when I try to install the login server (
http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?Akkas_P...server-windows ) I get stuck immediately after typing in 13.
Enter numbered option and press enter...
> 13
--- Fetching Loginserver... ---
Part of the reason may be this: I don't know how to run the
eqemu_update.pl file as an administrator. How do I do that? Shift+right click doesn't work.
Edit: Before I forget, thank you for making this. It will be the closest I've come to having a working EverQuest server to run around with a couple of friends.
Edit2: Okay, I ran it as administrator (command prompt as administrator, C:\Perl\bin>perl C:\EverQuestServer\eqemu_update.pl) and it seems to have worked after hitting enter at "Fetching Loginserver". I let it sit for 20 minutes previously and nothing happened, but that just may be a coincidence.
I would say add the command prompt as admin to the wiki for people like me who are slow

Also...if we are running a local login server, I assume we need to use
t_start_server_with_login_server.bat to start up the server from that point forward?