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Old 10-29-2008, 02:08 AM
Join Date: May 2007
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Default Weather Harshnes?

If you guys remember some of the zones on LIVE had far worse weather than the other zones.

For exmaple while it could rain in both BlackBurrow and West Karana - but in WK the rains would go non stop for DAYS!

Snow storm wise- Iceclad while could have snowstorm very rarely seen one, but EverFrost had A LOT of snow storms.

Is there a way to control this on Emu?
I examined zones table and I see that I can set weather betwin none, rain and snow, but I don't think it is posible to set the kind of diffirences as I described above

Also on live you could notice how weather could chain from light rain/snow to a VERy strong rain/snow and visibility would drop accordingly.

I think this could a worthy thing to consider

PS. How come SOE never made sand stoms in desert areas? DOn't you think that would be appropriate?
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Old 10-29-2008, 01:34 PM
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There is no functionality now, but I don't believe it would be hard to add it. I'm sure weather has a chance modifier. Instead of that being a static value (which I assume it is) it could simply be changed to be a dynamic value, which is called from the zone table of the database (add a new column weatherchance or something such) That way, when zone checks to see if it's time to change the weather, it'll use its own chance modifier, instead of a global one.

While we're at it, may also want to see about fixing weather so that certain zones can have a chance to rain or snow. Right now, the zone only does what you tell it. If set to rain, it only rains, if set to snow, it only snows. This is fine for zones like Halas, or the Karanas. However, some zones namely Rivervale for one, could see rain or snow. That would simply be a matter of adding a new "Any" variable. That's also assuming I'm not blind and am just missing it :P

As for your P.S. Yeah, I agree, I would love to see sand storms in the desert! I'm not sure how we could accomplish that, either. More than likely, it would require some sort of client hack.
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Old 10-29-2008, 02:22 PM
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Some of those things, like the non stop rain for days, I understood where actually bugs in the client that finally got ironed out. You would actually have to wait for a GM to come in and stop the rain.
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Old 10-29-2008, 05:32 PM
Join Date: May 2007
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Originally Posted by Angelox View Post
Some of those things, like the non stop rain for days, I understood where actually bugs in the client that finally got ironed out. You would actually have to wait for a GM to come in and stop the rain.
I actualy liked the non stop rains - made Wk feel special =)

While we're at it, may also want to see about fixing weather so that certain zones can have a chance to rain or snow
aye, I can think of number of palces which qualify for both rain and snow. Stonebrunt Mountains and Dredlands for exmaple.

Perhaps we can make that value of "3" would mean it could both rain and snow with equal chance, "4" would mean its more likely to rain than snow, and "5" that ist more likely to snow than rain

And as mentioned before I distincly remember from LIVE while it was allready raining you would see a message: "The Rain is getting stronger" and intensity of rain woudl increase and visibility drop even more. Same thing for snow - you could see a light snow fall at first for 20-30 min and then it would change into strong snowstorm with very short visibility

and I guess we will need an extra collumn to set up a % chance for rain/weather to start and continue. So let say we have Wk set to 65% chance of rain. Then every 15 min (or whatever time intervals set at) it will roll a 65% chance to stat raining. Then after 15 min have passed it will have another 65% chance check to continue raining - in which case rain should get stronger, and so on.
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Old 10-29-2008, 05:34 PM
Join Date: May 2007
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Originally Posted by cavedude View Post
As for your P.S. Yeah, I agree, I would love to see sand storms in the desert! I'm not sure how we could accomplish that, either. More than likely, it would require some sort of client hack.

yeah sadly - i guess we would need an actual displaying graphics for the sand storm which eq doesn't have I guess
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Old 06-11-2009, 03:13 AM
ChaosSlayerZ's Avatar
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I am bumping this as I have saw today that KLS has added $zoneweather perl into the source

So whats up - are we going to see some fine tune weather control per zone? Its about time it started raining in WK

Consider my old proposition from above:

and I guess we will need an extra collumn to set up a % chance for rain/weather to start and continue. So let say we have Wk set to 65% chance of rain. Then every 15 min (or whatever time intervals set at) it will roll a 65% chance to stat raining. Then after 15 min have passed it will have another 65% chance check to continue raining - in which case rain should get stronger, and so on.
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Old 06-11-2009, 03:40 AM
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It's an export so I'm sure it is for a charm that is dependent on weather.
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Old 06-11-2009, 10:51 AM
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well if charm supose to activate when it rains or snows- its prety much gona be ULTRA useless since chance of weather going bad in Emu is like 1%
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Old 04-25-2010, 06:23 PM
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i haven't gotten myself to using this but try

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