Hey guys, it's me again, same guy who was going on about texts not logging quite a few months back, hehe
well, after a few months off eq I decided to check it out again, saw the collector was up to date so I downloaded it and fired it up, figured I'd go log this new berserker newbie stuff
made berserkers of every race, and when I right click their newbie notes to log thier text nothing comes up in the packetcollector window
it updated the items fine
41 items added, 151 updated, 657 unchanged
but no texts
Uploading texts to table: 'texts_dump'
0 texts added, 0 updated, 0 unchanged.
so can you get texts logging again please?

as always I love to collect stuff, looks like I may need to take a run around the bazaar on a couple servers soon, but fingers can only take so much clicking at a time
also one other thing I never found out, we're able to download the item database updates, but I never saw how to download the texts database updates, am I missing something somewhere?