Originally Posted by ZionPhoenixGM
Hey Akkadius,
So I am on Windows 8.1 64bit.
I did discover the system restore point and went back to that. Maybe things broke when I tried to run the server before it was actually configured and that caused things to break.
The most frustrating/odd part of this was the installer would run when I was just opening a .zip/.rar file thus overwritting my unpack.
I will give your suggestions a shot tonight and get back to you.
I am on Windows 8.1 64-bit and this is happening to me as well. In fact, any time I right click any files or folders of mine that I have at all, the installer starts. I click cancel and the installer cancels but then starts again. I have to click cancel on about 10 different installers before i finally get my right click menu. Rar files are unusable atm. I came here looking to see if it happened to anyone else. I will have to try uninstalling winrar, then reinstall the repack and see if that does it.