Server not showing up on list-new private lan server
IO have spun up a new private (solo) lan server. I am able to login, my username/password gets created and shows up in the SQL database..but no servers show up in the list (to connect to). I am sure I am missing something simple. is it easier to set the local host IP ( in the spire config or manually put it in the eqemu config. network discovery is on and i can ping the host from the client computer. the host on the client is correct it was working previous..but i had to reload the host server and did not backup my settings..8(
"server": {
"zones": {
"defaultstatus": "0",
"ports": {
"low": "7000",
"high": "7400"
"qsdatabase": {
"db": "peq",
"host": "mariadb",
"port": "3306",
"username": "eqemu",
"password": "eqemu"
"ucs": {
"host": "",
"port": "7778"
"world": {
"api": {
"enabled": false
"localaddress": "",
"loginserver1": {
"port": "5999",
"account": "",
"password": "",
"host": ""
"tcp": {
"ip": "",
"port": "9001"
"telnet": {
"ip": "",
"port": "9000",
"enabled": "true"
"key": "somelongrandomstring12345asdfffff",
"shortname": "Akkas Docker PEQ Installer",
"longname": "Akka's Windows PEQ Installer [pNcxB]"
"database": {
"db": "peq",
"host": "",
"port": "3306",
"username": "eqemu",
"password": "password redacted out"
"files": {
"opcodes": "assets/opcodes/opcodes.conf",
"mail_opcodes": "assets/opcodes/mail_opcodes.conf"
"directories": {
"patches": "assets/patches/",
"opcodes": "assets/opcodes/"
"web-admin": {
"application": {
"admin": {}
"launcher": {
"runSharedMemory": true,
"runLoginserver": true,
"runQueryServ": false,
"isRunning": false,
"minZoneProcesses": 15,
"staticZones": "butcher,erudnext,freporte,qeynos,freeporte,oot,ic eclad,nro,oasis,nedaria,abysmal,natimbi,timorous,f iriona,overthere",
"updateOpcodesOnStart": true,
"deleteLogFilesOlderThanDays": 7
"quests": {
"hotReload": true
"serverCodePath": "/home/eqemu/code/"
"spire": {
"encryption_key": "key redacted out",
"http_port": 3007,
"launcher_start": true