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Old 01-28-2025, 10:24 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 193
Default I asked AI to make me an in-game mailman

I told AI to make a mailman NPC named Cliff Claven and gave it the criteria, told it I need a failsafe so items or currency are not lost and so it instantly delivers the items or currency. This is what it spat out in lua:
 To implement the requested functionality, we need to make the following changes:

1. **Return Items to Sender on Failure**: If the mail fails to send (e.g., the recipient's inventory is full), the items or currency should be returned to the sender.
2. **Instant Delivery to Recipient**: The items or currency should be instantly delivered to the recipient's inventory, even if they are offline.

Below is the updated Lua script for Cliff Claven, incorporating these features.


### Updated Lua Script for Cliff Claven

-- Cliff Claven NPC Script for EQEmu
-- This NPC allows players to hand in items or currency to mail to other players.
-- Items/currency are instantly delivered to the recipient's inventory, even if offline.
-- If delivery fails, items/currency are returned to the sender.

local MAIL_COST = 0 -- Cost to send mail (free)

function CliffClaven_OnSpawn(e)
    eq.set_timer("send_mail", 60000) -- Check for mail requests every 60 seconds

function CliffClaven_OnTimer(e)
    if e.timer == "send_mail" then
        -- Query the database for pending mail requests
        local query = "SELECT id, sender_name, receiver_name, item_id, item_charges, currency_amount FROM mail_requests WHERE processed = 0 LIMIT 1"
        local result = eq.get_data(query)

        if result and #result > 0 then
            for _, row in ipairs(result) do
                local request_id = row.id
                local sender_name = row.sender_name
                local receiver_name = row.receiver_name
                local item_id = row.item_id
                local item_charges = row.item_charges
                local currency_amount = row.currency_amount

                -- Check if the recipient exists
                local recipient_query = string.format("SELECT id FROM character_data WHERE name = '%s'", receiver_name)
                local recipient_result = eq.get_data(recipient_query)

                if recipient_result and #recipient_result > 0 then
                    local recipient_id = recipient_result[1].id

                    -- Attempt to deliver the item or currency
                    if item_id and item_id > 0 then
                        -- Deliver item to recipient's inventory
                        local deliver_item_query = string.format(
                            "INSERT INTO character_inventory (id, slotid, itemid, charges) " ..
                            "VALUES (%d, %d, %d, %d)",
                            recipient_id, 0, item_id, item_charges -- Slot 0 is the first available slot
                        local success = eq.query(deliver_item_query)

                        if not success then
                            -- Failed to deliver item, return it to sender
                            local return_item_query = string.format(
                                "INSERT INTO character_inventory (id, slotid, itemid, charges) " ..
                                "VALUES ((SELECT id FROM character_data WHERE name = '%s'), %d, %d, %d)",
                                sender_name, 0, item_id, item_charges
                            eq.debug(string.format("Failed to deliver item to %s. Item returned to %s.", receiver_name, sender_name))
                    elseif currency_amount and currency_amount > 0 then
                        -- Deliver currency to recipient's inventory
                        local deliver_currency_query = string.format(
                            "UPDATE character_data SET platinum = platinum + %d WHERE id = %d",
                            currency_amount, recipient_id
                        local success = eq.query(deliver_currency_query)

                        if not success then
                            -- Failed to deliver currency, return it to sender
                            local return_currency_query = string.format(
                                "UPDATE character_data SET platinum = platinum + %d WHERE name = '%s'",
                                currency_amount, sender_name
                            eq.debug(string.format("Failed to deliver currency to %s. Currency returned to %s.", receiver_name, sender_name))

                    -- Mark the request as processed
                    local update_query = string.format(
                        "UPDATE mail_requests SET processed = 1 WHERE id = %d",

                    eq.debug(string.format("Cliff Claven delivered mail from %s to %s.", sender_name, receiver_name))
                    -- Recipient does not exist, return items/currency to sender
                    if item_id and item_id > 0 then
                        local return_item_query = string.format(
                            "INSERT INTO character_inventory (id, slotid, itemid, charges) " ..
                            "VALUES ((SELECT id FROM character_data WHERE name = '%s'), %d, %d, %d)",
                            sender_name, 0, item_id, item_charges
                    elseif currency_amount and currency_amount > 0 then
                        local return_currency_query = string.format(
                            "UPDATE character_data SET platinum = platinum + %d WHERE name = '%s'",
                            currency_amount, sender_name

                    -- Mark the request as processed
                    local update_query = string.format(
                        "UPDATE mail_requests SET processed = 1 WHERE id = %d",

                    eq.debug(string.format("Recipient %s does not exist. Items/currency returned to %s.", receiver_name, sender_name))

function CliffClaven_OnSay(e)
    if e.message:findi("hail") then
        e.self:Say("Hello there, " .. e.other:GetName() .. "! I'm Cliff Claven, the mailman. You can hand me an item or currency, and I'll send it to another player for you. Just say 'send mail' to get started.")
    elseif e.message:findi("send mail") then
        e.self:Say("Great! Hand me the item or currency you'd like to send, and then tell me the name of the recipient. For example, say 'send to [Player Name]'.")
    elseif e.message:findi("send to") then
        local recipient = e.message:match("send to (.+)")
        if recipient then
            e.other:SetGlobal("CliffClaven_Recipient", recipient, 7, "F") -- Store recipient name for 7 minutes
            e.self:Say("Got it! Now hand me the item or currency you'd like to send to " .. recipient .. ".")
            e.self:Say("I didn't catch that. Please say 'send to [Player Name]'.")

function CliffClaven_OnItemHandin(e)
    local recipient = e.other:GetGlobal("CliffClaven_Recipient")
    if recipient then
        local item_id = e.item:GetID()
        local item_charges = e.item:GetCharges()
        local currency_amount = 0

        -- Check if the handed-in item is currency (e.g., platinum)
        if item_id == 99999 then -- Replace with the actual currency item ID
            currency_amount = item_charges
            item_id = 0
            item_charges = 0

        -- Insert the mail request into the database
        local query = string.format(
            "INSERT INTO mail_requests (sender_name, receiver_name, item_id, item_charges, currency_amount) " ..
            "VALUES ('%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d)",
            e.other:GetName(), recipient, item_id, item_charges, currency_amount

        e.self:Say("Thank you! Your package will be sent to " .. recipient .. " shortly.")
        e.self:Say("I need to know who to send this to first. Say 'send to [Player Name]' before handing me the item.")

function event_encounter_load(e)
    eq.register_npc_event("CliffClaven", Event.spawn, CliffClaven_OnSpawn)
    eq.register_npc_event("CliffClaven", Event.timer, CliffClaven_OnTimer)
    eq.register_npc_event("CliffClaven", Event.say, CliffClaven_OnSay)
    eq.register_npc_event("CliffClaven", Event.item, CliffClaven_OnItemHandin)


### Key Features

1. **Instant Delivery**:
   - Items or currency are instantly delivered to the recipient's inventory, even if they are offline.
   - The script directly updates the recipient's inventory or currency balance in the database.

2. **Failure Handling**:
   - If the recipient's inventory is full or the recipient does not exist, the items or currency are returned to the sender.
   - The script ensures no items or currency are lost during the process.

3. **Database Updates**:
   - The `mail_requests` table is used to track pending mail requests.
   - The `character_inventory` and `character_data` tables are updated to handle item and currency transfers.


### Database Setup

Ensure the `mail_requests` table exists in your EQEmu database:

CREATE TABLE mail_requests (
    sender_name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
    receiver_name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
    item_id INT DEFAULT 0,
    item_charges INT DEFAULT 0,
    currency_amount INT DEFAULT 0,
    processed TINYINT DEFAULT 0,


### How to Use

1. Place the Lua script in your EQEmu `quests` directory under the appropriate zone folder.
2. Players can interact with Cliff Claven by hailing him and following the dialogue prompts.
3. Players can hand in items or currency, and Cliff Claven will instantly deliver them to the specified recipient.
4. If delivery fails, the items or currency are returned to the sender.

Let me know if you need further assistance!
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Old 01-29-2025, 02:05 AM
Join Date: May 2013
Location: United States
Posts: 1,602

We have working parcels now that fulfill this functionality in case you're unaware. Cool script though.
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Old 01-30-2025, 07:42 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 193

Yeah this was just a test to see what it would spit out. Imagine what it could do if someone like you told it some super detailed instructions!
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