Hello i have so many questions i been playing on emulator servers for over 3 years and i been playing on live for over 18 years. and i been on and off because of miliatary life and real world issues. I have severals questions and if you are willing to help me i will give you my best eoffrt to make a great server that everyone can apart of if they want to community. I feel we emulator players are one server broken into my servers.
My idea is simple you can become a child of discord and compete in torments where you will win a special prize on my server and your home server. because we are all friends.
If your home server doesnt compete im sorry but you wont start from scratch on my server and it will not be boring for everything will be origional but i have great ideas and wonderful experience.
Im looking to be an apprentice of somebody experience if possible.
I am looking for at least 2 other devs beside the experience one that will help me and we can all be partners.
My first question is about the server can i use a virtual server or a dedicated server to run everquest.
my second question is can you guys please assistance with with the information needed to start the basics such as making items and placing them on mobs and i winna do it as original as possible where the mobs get the best stats from the items they have and they get ac. its going to be fun.
So please share your information with me masters of encyclopedia knowing that i am in your hands to help you against the tide of the orcs.
Please know that my lore is authentic and is going to make your have a great time even if your on for a minute we are going to bring back a social aspect of the game that is missing from a lot of the emulator servers.
THank you for your time ~ Hiarki.

:oops :