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08-29-2015, 06:05 PM
Join Date: May 2013
Location: United States
Posts: 1,598
Item Set Generator(s).
These item set generators create 4 sets of items, cloth, chain, plate, and leather, as well as 2 sets of accessories, melee and caster. 42 Items total in a matter of seconds.
I have two item generators, one has a random functionality using defined ranges (1-10 returns random of 1-10).
Non-range based item set creator:
use strict;
use warnings;
sub CreateI {
my ($name, $id, $health, $ac, $stats, $heroic_stats, $combat_stats, $healamt) = (shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift);
my $material;
chomp $name;
$name =~ s/\'/\\'/ig;
open my $file, ">>$name Armor.sql";
my $n = 0;
my $slot = 0;
my %typeHash = (1 => ["Hood", "Robe", "Wristlet", "Covers", "Pantaloons", "Slippers", "Gloves"],
2 => ["Visor", "Chain Body", "Bracelet", "Shoulderpads", "Greaves", "Boots", "Gauntlets"],
3 => ["Helmet", "Breastplate", "Bracer", "Vambraces", "Greaves", "Boots", "Gauntlets"],
4 => ["Cap", "Cheststraps", "Wristband", "Armbands", "Pants", "Shoes", "Gloves"]);
my @slotArray = (4, 131072, 1536, 128, 262144, 524288, 4096);
my @materialArray = (10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16);
my %classesHash = (1 => 15360, 2 => 33544, 3 => 151, 4 => 16480);
my %iconsHash = (1 => [639, 838, 638, 670, 631, 525, 517],
2 => [625, 538, 620, 543, 630, 545, 526],
3 => [628, 624, 516, 622, 540, 524, 531],
4 => [640, 632, 637, 634, 635, 633, 636]);
foreach my $type (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %typeHash) {
foreach my $item (@{$typeHash{$type}}) {
$material = (($type == 1 && $item eq "Robe") ? $materialArray[rand @materialArray] : $type);
print "ID: $id Name: $name $item Type: $item\n";
my $query = "INSERT INTO `items` SET `id` = '$id', ";
$query .= "`name` = '$name $item', ";
$query .= "`slots` = '" . $slotArray[$slot] . "', ";
$query .= "`classes` = '" . $classesHash{$type} . "', ";
$query .= "`icon` = '" . $iconsHash{$type}[$n] . "', ";
$query .= "`material` = '$material', ";
$query .= "`hp` = '$health', ";
$query .= "`mana` = '$health', ";
$query .= "`endur` = '$health', ";
$query .= "`regen` = '" . int($health / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`manaregen` = '" . int($health / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`enduranceregen` = '" . int($health / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`ac` = '$ac', ";
$query .= "`attack` = '$ac', ";
$query .= "`aagi` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`acha` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`adex` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`aint` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`asta` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`astr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`awis` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`cr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`dr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`fr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`mr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`pr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`svcorruption` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_agi` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 10) ? 10 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_cha` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_dex` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 10) ? 10 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_int` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_sta` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_str` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_wis` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_cr` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_dr` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_fr` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_mr` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_pr` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_svcorrup` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`spellshield` = '" . (($combat_stats > 127) ? 127 : $combat_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`strikethrough` = '" . (($combat_stats > 127) ? 127 : $combat_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`stunresist` = '" . (($combat_stats > 127) ? 127 : $combat_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`clairvoyance` = '" . (($combat_stats > 127) ? 127 : $combat_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`dsmitigation` = '" . (($combat_stats > 127) ? 127 : $combat_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`healamt` = '" . (($healamt > 32767) ? 32767 : $healamt) . "', ";
$query .= "`spelldmg` = '" . (($healamt > 32767) ? 32767 : $healamt) . "', ";
$query .= "`itemtype` = '10', ";
$query .= "`nodrop` = '0', ";
$query .= "`races` = '65535', ";
$query .= "`idfile` = 'IT63', ";
$query .= "`augslot1visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot2visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot3visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot4visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot5visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`magic` = '1', ";
$query .= "`norent` = '1', ";
$query .= "`stacksize` = '1', ";
$query .= "`clickeffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`proceffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`worneffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`scrolleffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`maxcharges` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`unk132` = '-1';\n";
print $file $query;
$query = "";
$n = 0;
$slot = 0;
CreateA($name, $id, $health, $ac, $stats, $heroic_stats, $combat_stats, $healamt);
close $file;
sub CreateA {
my ($name, $id, $health, $ac, $stats, $heroic_stats, $combat_stats, $healamt) = (shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift);
open my $file, ">>$name Accessories.sql";
my $n = 0;
my $slot = 0;
my %typeHash = (1 => ["Visor", "Ear Ring", "Necklace", "Pauldrons", "Cloak", "Ring", "Girdle"],
2 => ["Mask", "Hoop", "Choker", "Covers", "Cape", "Band", "Belt"]);
my @slotArray = (8, 18, 32, 64, 256, 98304, 1048576);
my %classesHash = (1 => 33245, 2 => 32290);
my %iconsHash = (1 => [506, 535, 848, 626, 663, 615, 503],
2 => [528, 757, 505, 664, 658, 616, 719]);
foreach my $type (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %typeHash) {
foreach my $item (@{$typeHash{$type}}) {
print "ID: $id Name: $name $item\n";
my $query = "INSERT INTO `items` SET `id` = '$id', ";
$query .= "`name` = '$name $item', ";
$query .= "`slots` = '" . $slotArray[$slot] . "', ";
$query .= "`classes` = '" . $classesHash{$type} . "', ";
$query .= "`icon` = '" . $iconsHash{$type}[$n] . "', ";
$query .= "`hp` = '$health', ";
$query .= "`mana` = '$health', ";
$query .= "`endur` = '$health', ";
$query .= "`regen` = '" . int($health / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`manaregen` = '" . int($health / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`enduranceregen` = '" . int($health / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`ac` = '$ac', ";
$query .= "`attack` = '$ac', ";
$query .= "`aagi` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`acha` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`adex` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`aint` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`asta` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`astr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`awis` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`cr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`dr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`fr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`mr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`pr` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`svcorruption` = '" . (($stats > 127) ? 127 : $stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_agi` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 10) ? 10 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_cha` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_dex` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 10) ? 10 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_int` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_sta` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_str` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_wis` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_cr` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_dr` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_fr` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_mr` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_pr` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_svcorrup` = '" . (($heroic_stats > 100) ? 100 : $heroic_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`spellshield` = '" . (($combat_stats > 127)? 127 : $combat_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`strikethrough` = '" . (($combat_stats > 127) ? 127 : $combat_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`stunresist` = '" . (($combat_stats > 127) ? 127 : $combat_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`dsmitigation` = '" . (($combat_stats > 127) ? 127 : $combat_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`clairvoyance` = '" . ($combat_stats > 127 ? 127 : $combat_stats) . "', ";
$query .= "`healamt` = '" . (($healamt > 32767) ? 32767 : $healamt) . "', ";
$query .= "`spelldmg` = '" . (($healamt > 32767) ? 32767 : $healamt) . "', ";
$query .= "`itemtype` = '10', ";
$query .= "`nodrop` = '0', ";
$query .= "`races` = '65535', ";
$query .= "`idfile` = 'IT63', ";
$query .= "`augslot1visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot2visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot3visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot4visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot5visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`magic` = '1', ";
$query .= "`material` = '0', ";
$query .= "`norent` = '1', ";
$query .= "`stacksize` = '1', ";
$query .= "`clickeffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`proceffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`worneffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`scrolleffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`maxcharges` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`unk132` = '-1';\n";
print $file $query;
$n = 0;
$slot = 0;
print "Done! ";
close $file;
print "Hello, what would you like the name in front of your items to be?\n";
my $name = <STDIN>;
print "Okay, what would you like the starting ID to be?\n";
my $id = int(<STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the health modifier on the items to?\n";
my $health = int(<STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the armor class on the items to?\n";
my $ac = int(<STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the stat modifier on the items to?\n";
my $stats = int(<STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the heroic stat modifier on the items to?\n";
my $heroic_stats = int(<STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the combat stats modifier on the items to?\n";
my $combat_stats = int(<STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the heal amount and spell damage on the items to?\n";
my $healamt = int(<STDIN>);
print "Okay, thank you!\n";
CreateI($name, $id, $health, $ac, $stats, $heroic_stats, $combat_stats, $healamt);
Example of use:
Range-based item set creator:
use strict;
use warnings;
sub CreateI {
my ($name, $id, $minhp, $maxhp, $minac, $maxac, $mins, $maxs, $minhs, $maxhs, $mincs, $maxcs, $minsh, $maxsh) = (shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift);
my $material;
chomp $name;
$name =~ s/\'/\\'/ig;
open my $file, ">>$name Armor.sql";
my $n = 0;
my $slot = 0;
my %typeHash = (1 => ["Hood", "Robe", "Wristlet", "Covers", "Pantaloons", "Slippers", "Gloves"],
2 => ["Visor", "Chain Body", "Bracelet", "Shoulderpads", "Greaves", "Boots", "Gauntlets"],
3 => ["Helmet", "Breastplate", "Bracer", "Vambraces", "Greaves", "Boots", "Gauntlets"],
4 => ["Cap", "Cheststraps", "Wristband", "Armbands", "Pants", "Shoes", "Gloves"]);
my @slotArray = (4, 131072, 1536, 128, 262144, 524288, 4096);
my @materialArray = (10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16);
my %classesHash = (1 => 15360, 2 => 33544, 3 => 151, 4 => 16480);
my %iconsHash = (1 => [639, 838, 638, 670, 631, 525, 517],
2 => [625, 538, 620, 543, 630, 545, 526],
3 => [628, 624, 516, 622, 540, 524, 531],
4 => [640, 632, 637, 634, 635, 633, 636]);
my @hpa = (($minhp > 0) ? ($minhp..$maxhp) : (0));
my @aca = (($minac > 0) ? ($minac..$maxac) : (0));
my @stata = (($mins > 0) ? ($mins..$maxs) : (0));
my @hsa = (($minhs > 0) ? ($minhs..$maxhs) : (0));
my @csa = (($mincs > 0) ? ($mincs..$maxcs) : (0));
my @sha = (($minsh > 0) ? ($minsh..$maxsh) : (0));
foreach my $type (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %typeHash) {
foreach my $item (@{$typeHash{$type}}) {
$material = (($type == 1 && $item eq "Robe") ? $materialArray[rand @materialArray] : $type);
print "ID: $id Name: $name $item Type: $item\n";
my $query = "INSERT INTO `items` SET `id` = '$id', ";
$query .= "`name` = '$name $item', ";
$query .= "`slots` = '" . $slotArray[$slot] . "', ";
$query .= "`classes` = '" . $classesHash{$type} . "', ";
$query .= "`icon` = '" . $iconsHash{$type}[$n] . "', ";
$query .= "`material` = '$material', ";
$query .= "`hp` = '" . $hpa[rand @hpa] . "', ";
$query .= "`mana` = '" . $hpa[rand @hpa] . "', ";
$query .= "`endur` = '" . $hpa[rand @hpa] . "', ";
$query .= "`regen` = '" . int($hpa[rand @hpa] / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`manaregen` = '" . int($hpa[rand @hpa] / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`enduranceregen` = '" . int($hpa[rand @hpa] / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`ac` = '" . $aca[rand @aca] . "', ";
$query .= "`attack` = '" . $aca[rand @aca] . "', ";
$query .= "`aagi` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`acha` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`adex` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`aint` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`asta` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`astr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`awis` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`cr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`dr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`fr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`mr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`pr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`svcorruption` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_agi` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_cha` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_dex` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_int` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_sta` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_str` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_wis` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_cr` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_dr` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_fr` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_mr` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_pr` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_svcorrup` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`spellshield` = '" . $csa[rand @csa] . "', ";
$query .= "`strikethrough` = '" . $csa[rand @csa] . "', ";
$query .= "`stunresist` = '" . $csa[rand @csa] . "', ";
$query .= "`clairvoyance` = '" . $csa[rand @csa] . "', ";
$query .= "`dsmitigation` = '" . $csa[rand @csa] . "', ";
$query .= "`healamt` = '" . $sha[rand @sha] . "', ";
$query .= "`spelldmg` = '" . $sha[rand @sha] . "', ";
$query .= "`itemtype` = '10', ";
$query .= "`nodrop` = '0', ";
$query .= "`races` = '65535', ";
$query .= "`idfile` = 'IT63', ";
$query .= "`augslot1visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot2visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot3visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot4visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot5visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`magic` = '1', ";
$query .= "`norent` = '1', ";
$query .= "`stacksize` = '1', ";
$query .= "`clickeffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`proceffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`worneffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`scrolleffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`maxcharges` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`unk132` = '-1';";
say $file $query;
$query = "";
$n = 0;
$slot = 0;
CreateA($name, $id, $minhp, $maxhp, $minac, $maxac, $mins, $maxs, $minhs, $maxhs, $mincs, $maxcs, $minsh, $maxsh);
close $file;
sub CreateA {
my ($name, $id, $minhp, $maxhp, $minac, $maxac, $mins, $maxs, $minhs, $maxhs, $mincs, $maxcs, $minsh, $maxsh) = (shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift, shift);
open my $file, ">>$name Accessories.sql";
my $n = 0;
my $slot = 0;
my %typeHash = (1 => ["Visor", "Ear Ring", "Necklace", "Pauldrons", "Cloak", "Ring", "Girdle"],
2 => ["Mask", "Hoop", "Choker", "Covers", "Cape", "Band", "Belt"]);
my @slotArray = (8, 18, 32, 64, 256, 98304, 1048576);
my %classesHash = (1 => 33245, 2 => 32290);
my %iconsHash = (1 => [506, 535, 848, 626, 663, 615, 503],
2 => [528, 757, 505, 664, 658, 616, 719]);
my @hpa = (($minhp > 0) ? ($minhp..$maxhp) : (0));
my @aca = (($minac > 0) ? ($minac..$maxac) : (0));
my @stata = (($mins > 0) ? ($mins..$maxs) : (0));
my @hsa = (($minhs > 0) ? ($minhs..$maxhs) : (0));
my @csa = (($mincs > 0) ? ($mincs..$maxcs) : (0));
my @sha = (($minsh > 0) ? ($minsh..$maxsh) : (0));
foreach my $type (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %typeHash) {
foreach my $item (@{$typeHash{$type}}) {
print "ID: $id Name: $name $item\n";
my $query = "INSERT INTO `items` SET `id` = '$id', ";
$query .= "`name` = '$name $item', ";
$query .= "`slots` = '" . $slotArray[$slot] . "', ";
$query .= "`classes` = '" . $classesHash{$type} . "', ";
$query .= "`icon` = '" . $iconsHash{$type}[$n] . "', ";
$query .= "`hp` = '" . $hpa[rand @hpa] . "', ";
$query .= "`mana` = '" . $hpa[rand @hpa] . "', ";
$query .= "`endur` = '" . $hpa[rand @hpa] . "', ";
$query .= "`regen` = '" . int($hpa[rand @hpa] / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`manaregen` = '" . int($hpa[rand @hpa] / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`enduranceregen` = '" . int($hpa[rand @hpa] / 10) . "', ";
$query .= "`ac` = '" . $aca[rand @aca] . "', ";
$query .= "`attack` = '" . $aca[rand @aca] . "', ";
$query .= "`aagi` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`acha` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`adex` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`aint` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`asta` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`astr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`awis` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`cr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`dr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`fr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`mr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`pr` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`svcorruption` = '" . $stata[rand @stata] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_agi` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_cha` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_dex` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_int` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_sta` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_str` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_wis` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_cr` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_dr` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_fr` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_mr` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_pr` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`heroic_svcorrup` = '" . $hsa[rand @hsa] . "', ";
$query .= "`spellshield` = '" . $csa[rand @csa] . "', ";
$query .= "`strikethrough` = '" . $csa[rand @csa] . "', ";
$query .= "`stunresist` = '" . $csa[rand @csa] . "', ";
$query .= "`dsmitigation` = '" . $csa[rand @csa] . "', ";
$query .= "`clairvoyance` = '" . $csa[rand @csa] . "', ";
$query .= "`healamt` = '" . $sha[rand @sha] . "', ";
$query .= "`spelldmg` = '" . $sha[rand @sha] . "', ";
$query .= "`itemtype` = '10', ";
$query .= "`nodrop` = '0', ";
$query .= "`races` = '65535', ";
$query .= "`idfile` = 'IT63', ";
$query .= "`augslot1visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot2visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot3visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot4visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`augslot5visible` = '1', ";
$query .= "`magic` = '1', ";
$query .= "`material` = '0', ";
$query .= "`norent` = '1', ";
$query .= "`stacksize` = '1', ";
$query .= "`clickeffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`proceffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`worneffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`scrolleffect` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`maxcharges` = '-1', ";
$query .= "`unk132` = '-1';";
say $file $query;
$n = 0;
$slot = 0;
print "Done!";
close $file;
print "Hello, what would you like the name in front of your items to be?\n";
my $name = <STDIN>;
print "Okay, what would you like the starting ID to be?\n";
my $id = int(<STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the health range on the items to?\n";
my @hp = split(/ /, <STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the armor class range on the items to?\n";
my @ac = split(/ /, <STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the stat range on the items to?\n";
my @s = split(/ /, <STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the heroic stat range on the items to?\n";
my @hs = split(/ /, <STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the combat stats range on the items to?\n";
my @cs = split(/ /, <STDIN>);
print "What would you like to set the heal amount and spell damage range on the items to?\n";
my @sh = split(/ /, <STDIN>);
print "Okay, thank you!\n";
CreateI($name, $id, $hp[0], $hp[1], $ac[0], $ac[1], $s[0], $s[1], $hs[0], $hs[1], $cs[0], $cs[1], $sh[0], $sh[1]);
Example of use:
Last edited by Kingly_Krab; 08-30-2015 at 03:58 PM..
08-29-2015, 07:39 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 28
thats good stuff thanks for the scripts!
11-29-2019, 04:19 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Plane of Knowledge
Posts: 8
Hey there!
Still pretty new to server stuff and scripts, I'm guessing we'd run/save these in the server folder?
12-08-2020, 11:27 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Dec 2020
Posts: 22
Where would I put this script? Like in my servile files somewhere or what? I see how it's being run via cmd but other than that I cant quite figure it out lol
12-11-2020, 11:48 AM
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: GA
Posts: 904
Originally Posted by Liontooth
Where would I put this script? Like in my servile files somewhere or what? I see how it's being run via cmd but other than that I cant quite figure it out lol
Doesn't matter, you just need to know the location so you can reference it from the prompt. Look at the top of the screen shot to see where Kingly is storing it though.
12-11-2020, 12:09 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Dec 2020
Posts: 22
Awesome, that's what I was thinking. Thanks for the info!
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