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Old 12-06-2017, 05:24 AM
Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: US
Posts: 43
Default start.bat issues(so close! help please!)

Hey everyone. Getting my first server setup. This is my second attempt starting from scratch. I got so far this time, i would hate to have to start over again.
Currently on Step 7 part c:
Launching your server for the first time

~Start.bat runs, it asks me to copy all EQEmu server files(1) or just copy EXE PDB(2)
~~Either way i answer all four do not start.
~~~Next step is to find errors with world.exe, and this is what i get.


[World Server] Loading server configuration..
[World Server] Current_Version: 1.1.3
[World Server] Added loginserver login.eqemulator.net:5998
[World Server] Connecting to MySQL...

[MySQL Error] 1146: Table 'peq.logsys_categories' doesn't exist
Select log_category_id, log_category_description, log_to_console, log_to_file, log_to_gmsay From logsys_categories ORDER BY log_category_id

[World Server] Checking Database Conversions..
From here on out, there aren't any errors until the end.

[Update] Continuing bootup
[World Server] Loading variables..
[World Server] Loading zones..
[World Server] Clearing groups..
[World Server] Clearing raids..
[World Server] Clearing inventory snapshots..

[MySQL Error] 1146: Table 'peq.inventory_snapshots' doesn't exist
DELETE FROM inventory_snapshots WHERE time_index <= 1509961871

[World Server] Loading items..
[World Server] Error: Could not load item data. But ignoring
[World Server] Loading skill caps..
[World Server] Error: Could not load skill cap data. But ignoring
[World Server] Loading guilds..
[World Server] Loaded default rule set 'default'
[World Server] Loading EQ time of day..

[MySQL Error] 1146: Table 'peq.eqtime' doesn't exist
SELECT minute,hour,day,month,year,realtime FROM eqtime limit 1

[World Server] Loading launcher list..
[World Server] reboot zone modes OFF
[World Server] Deleted 0 stale player corpses from database
[World Server] Loading adventures...
[World Server] Purging expired instances
[World Server] Loading char create info...
[World Server] Server (TCP) listener started.

And it stops there.

I searched the forums and some people mentioned setting the 'peq.db_version' back to 9000 and it will autoupdate the other fields?

Even if thats what i need to do, i don't have db_version.sql in my source folder.

Thanks in advance. I really appreciate the help. This has been a fun adventure figuring this out. I can't wait until i have something running, I can back it up and start messing around to learn more.
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Old 12-06-2017, 07:53 AM
jpyou127's Avatar
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Not sure why you are going through that old guide when you can use this and have it running in about 20 minutes or less.

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Old 12-06-2017, 12:10 PM
ghanja's Avatar
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jp is of course correct, however, if you're a glutton for punishment, you should know:

'peq.hardway' peq is the db (name), hardway is the table

Run just world, outside of the batch file (as I'm not certain which you're using, it may be nullifying command line output). Update your DB. I mean, unless you're taking it back, way back into time (pre world updater menu thing), then good luck.
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Old 12-06-2017, 02:11 PM
Join Date: Dec 2017
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Posts: 43

Thanks. I'll try the new install guide.
~I have a new issue now.

Could Not Find C:\EQEmuServer\eqemu_installer_files\mariadb-10.0.21-winx64.msi
Installing MariaDB <Root Password: eqemu> LOADING... PLEASE WAIT...

WARNING: the data being saved is truncated to 1024 characters.
This continues for a while, then collapses. Closing the prompt window.
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Old 12-06-2017, 04:02 PM
jpyou127's Avatar
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Start fresh and remove all the previous stuff (if tis isnt a VM you can just reinstall) and let the installer do its installing of all the needed software.
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Old 12-06-2017, 04:08 PM
Join Date: Dec 2017
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Posts: 43

Thanks again. I am going to do a fresh win7 install. Just reformatted my drive.

I also am going to pick up an external drive to help me same images as I go.

Hopefully this will get things working.
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Old 12-06-2017, 10:17 PM
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Posts: 43

No hiccups this time setting up the server. Fresh partitioned drive with Windows 7 home premium x86(after all the hundreds of Windows updates)

Excited. Just need to figure outa client. I own underfoot expansion in Steam. I have looked around. Not really having any luck finding an updated guide for getting that client to work.

Anyone able to help me out with that? I know I need to add patchme I the shortcut. And then add a server file of some sort.

I have eq platinum in storage somewhere, but that's a week long search i would rather avoid.
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Old 12-07-2017, 12:48 AM
jia_jacky's Avatar
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Originally Posted by dracir View Post
No hiccups this time setting up the server. Fresh partitioned drive with Windows 7 home premium x86(after all the hundreds of Windows updates)

Excited. Just need to figure outa client. I own underfoot expansion in Steam. I have looked around. Not really having any luck finding an updated guide for getting that client to work.

Anyone able to help me out with that? I know I need to add patchme I the shortcut. And then add a server file of some sort.

I have eq platinum in storage somewhere, but that's a week long search i would rather avoid.
Probably your underfoot client is live edition and won't work with EQEmu. It's better if you have a RoF2 client, you can download it by visiting http://tinyurl.com/eqrof2dl
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Old 12-07-2017, 01:18 AM
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Posts: 43

If I end up using, rof2. Are there a few things I need to do after it's installed? The patchme/server login info?

Thanks for the info!'
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Old 12-07-2017, 04:50 AM
Join Date: Dec 2017
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Posts: 43
Default Login Server Account?

So i have my server up and running, and got the client setup.
But i don't know how to get an account to log in to my server.

The link given;

To register a login server account--doesn't work.
EDIT: Link worked now. Guess it was down temporarily.
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Old 12-07-2017, 08:59 PM
Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: US
Posts: 43

Hey. Now trying to get my login server up on local network using:

Updated: local_network

Updated: loginserver2 host Ip

Updated: login to ip.

Attempting to connect. I get past account login. Then to server list. Server is active, but get Error 1017. Asking to re-run update patch. Loss of patch server connection.

Error: 1017: cannot login to the Everquest server. You may need to re-run the Update Patch. Repeatedly seeing this message indicates a loss of connectivity to the Patch Server. This is usually temporary.
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Old 12-07-2017, 09:06 PM
Join Date: Dec 2017
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Posts: 43

I have a feeling this issue has to do with the client.
I am using RoF2.

Looking through login.ini:
Ports only listed for titanium and SoD.

Does this mean I need to get a new client?

UPDATE: still having (Error 1017) issues. I scanned the forums. I am hoping I can use the rof2 client. Some old posts mentioned it not being compatible, but that was before this guide.
I attempted port forwarding. That just removed the server from the list. I'm sure that's all handled by the clients.

I would love some advice. Everything is a fresh install. Updated only the things listed. If needed I can post specific files. Thanks In advance.

~i find it odd i dont get 1017 error using eqemu login servers. Just have issues with my login server(maybe I did port forwarding wrong).
~going to meander around in heidisql until someone comes to my aid. Maybe something listed about loginserver has to do with client versions.*shrug*
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Old 12-08-2017, 01:19 AM
Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: US
Posts: 43

Solved. It has nothing to do with clients or forwarding. Another window displayed an error. Duplicate account name. If the account was created on emu servers . Even if it has the same name and password. It's different. Probably something to do with how the password is encoded.
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error, new server, setup, solved

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