View Full Version : Error running world and zone

12-22-2003, 04:49 PM
Good Evening and Hello Everyone,

I am a new Linux user and using this board and your helpful hints I have gotten my world and zone to successfully compile. However I am getting the following error when I am attempting to start the zone (It seems that it cannot connect properly to mysql. (this may for may not be important but I was successful in starting db.sql and populating it with dumpeditems.sql and mw_052_053_alpha2.sql.

When I try to start the world I get the following:

[root@dudek01 bin]# ./world
[Error] Failed to connect to database: Error: #1045: Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using password: YES)
Got signal 0
[Status] Loading variables..
Database Error: Lost connection, attempting to recover....
DB Query Error #2006: MySQL server has gone away
Error in LoadVariables query 'SELECT varname, value, unix_timestamp() FROM variables where unix_timestamp(ts) >= 0' #2006: MySQL server has gone away
[Status] Loading zones..
Database Error: Lost connection, attempting to recover....
DB Query Error #2006: MySQL server has gone away
Error in LoadZoneNames query 'SELECT MAX(zoneidnumber) FROM zone' #2006: MySQL server has gone away
[Status] Loading items..
[Error] LoadEMuShareMemDLL::Load() failed to load library 'libEMuShareMem.so'. Error=0
[Error] Error: Could not load item data. But ignoring
[Status] LoginServer.ini read.
[Status] Loading guild ranks..
Database Error: Lost connection, attempting to recover....
DB Query Error #2006: MySQL server has gone away
Error in LoadGuilds query 'SELECT id, eqid, name, leader, minstatus, rank0title, rank1, rank1title, rank2, rank2title,
rank3, rank3title, rank4, rank4title, rank5, rank5title from guilds' #2006: MySQL server has gone away
[Status] Loading addon.ini..
[Status] Loading EQ time of day..
Database Error: Lost connection, attempting to recover....
DB Query Error #2006: MySQL server has gone away
[Status] Deleted -1 stale player corpses from database
Database Error: Lost connection, attempting to recover....
DB Query Error #2006: MySQL server has gone away
[Status] Deleted -1 stale player backups from database
Screwing up windows compiles...
TCP listening on: Your external IP Address here:9000
World server listening on: Your external IP Address here:9000

Thank you for your assistance!


12-22-2003, 04:53 PM
Look up your error using search, MYSQL grant access has been covered extencivly in the forums.

12-22-2003, 05:16 PM
On top of that, you dont have the shared mem SO (libEmuShareMem.so) in your lib path anywhere...

12-22-2003, 05:51 PM
doh! :shock:

heh heh thanks, will make the appropriate changes :lol:

Thanks a bunch!!!

Winter "start your grinnin and drop your linen" wind