View Full Version : perl quest testing addition

02-27-2004, 05:59 AM
here is a small addition to variable displaying ( ala Lurker_005's default.pl). It allows to get ALL exported vars, including qglobals. It is dynamic, so no update should be needed when server changes, and also, it works with all quest files, not only default.pl

Add the following lines in EVENT_SAY :
if ($text=~/allvars/i){
my($pack, $filename, $line, $subr, $has_args, $want_array)=caller(0);

#get all variables in caller's scope
no strict 'refs';
my $package;
($package=$subr) =~ s/::\w+// ;
my $stash = *{$package . '::'}{HASH};
my $n;
foreach $n (keys %$stash) {
my $fullname = $package . '::' . $n;
if( defined $$fullname){
quest::say("$n -> $$n (fully $fullname)\n");

Then say 'allvars' to the target.

The output is a bit long, but could prove usefull

02-27-2004, 04:46 PM

Glad to see someone starting to push what the perls quest system can do, even if this is for testing :) Hopefully this will inspire someone else that knows perl to get creative.

02-28-2004, 12:40 AM
thx. But this isn't just for fun. It was a mandatory tool for something* i'm planning, as well as the simulator.

*Should be out today. :wink: