View Full Version : Log in to Sony?

04-07-2004, 11:21 AM
Do I have to log on to SOE to update my EQ? I have not played in a few years so all I have is the orignal EQ. I tried to update the other day and the download would have taken 9hrs!!! Do I really need to update? Or can I just play the orignal EQ without the updates?

04-07-2004, 11:23 AM
I suppose it is possible to play with Everquest Classic, but I would highly recommend downloading the expansions through the patcher because you will be missing alot of cool things.

04-07-2004, 01:06 PM
You do need to patch to live. Patching will update the necessary files to play on the emu. Without the current ones, you won't be able to play. You might be able to get by without dling all the additional stuff (advanced). If you don't download the extra files, you will be somewhat limited on which servers you can play on though. Sorry, but there's no way around patching..... :(