View Full Version : New fuction,quest::setldonpoint

04-11-2004, 12:47 PM
Hello,I have created this new function who sets ldon points.Format is: quest::setldonpoint(numberofpoints,ldonthemenumber );.For example quest::setldonpoint(5,2);.I hope it helps!I will accept any suggestions :).
This in parser.cpp,between any else-if commands,line about 809:

else if (!strcmp(strlwr(command),"setldonpoint")) {
if (mob && mob->IsClient())
mob->CastToClient()->UpdateLDoNPoints(atoi(arglist[0]),atoi(arglist[1]) );
This in embparser.cpp between myra and scorpius2k comments:

"sub setldonpoint{push(@cmd_queue,{func=>'setldonpoint',args=>join(',',@_)});}"

You have done!.

04-11-2004, 01:07 PM
Woot ty
I see alot of uses for this :)

04-13-2004, 10:02 AM
Just a small note.. It looks like you are calling this:
mob->CastToClient()->UpdateLDoNPoints(atoi(arglist[0]),atoi(arglist[1]) );
without checking that arglist[1] is non-null.