View Full Version : scripting help

04-20-2002, 04:51 PM
(i hope this is in the right form, if not sorry)
I need some help creating a zone like levelme , but at the same time it'll be the highest level zone on my server, but i need help doing the following

1. creating the zone, its called God's Peak and is based on air plane, i made the zone using eqadmin and it work with 0.3 but not with 0.3.1

2.changing the zone-in point to be near one of the castles, i knw how to change the safe point but thats about it

3. adding npcs to the DB, like a soul binder , leveler etc..

4.scripting the npcs to do a #level, bind heal etc.. I got some scripts from the site and knw you have to make a godpeak.qst(thats the shortname of the zone) but have no idea what you put in NPC_SCRIPT {
(does it use ID? using eqadmin)

many thanks in advance

04-20-2002, 06:11 PM
yea you need a NPC ID check the 3rd party forum for the new quest creation tool. Be aware anytime the spawn database is changed the NPC ID might change. It should be ok if only adding spawns, but just a warning