View Full Version : New commands

04-21-2002, 02:34 PM
I've been attempting for the last few hours to add three new commands to the EMU, #findclass, #findrace and #findskill, for easy reference. I'm brand new to VCC, so I was completely clueless with how to start. I wrote the code:

void Client:;FindRace(char* search_criteria)
char rCriteria[255];
char raceline[255];
char* rdest

strcpy(rCriteria, search_criteria);

ifstream input_file("races.txt");

while (! input_file.eof())
input_file >> raceline;

rdest = strstr(raceline, rCriteria);
if (rdest != NULL) {
Message(0, " %r", raceline)

Think it would work? I'm really not sure how to compile or anything - I'm used to VB. Any help would be appreciated.

04-21-2002, 04:08 PM
cool hope it works. i made that suggest some time ago.