View Full Version : Need help with my #lock command.

01-27-2002, 06:48 AM
I'm adding a #lock command so you can lock your worldserver without using telnet. Here is the code, it should work fine, the thing I need help with is sending a packet to tell the world server to lock. In the world server its stored in net.world_locked. So I suppose I would need to send a packet with "net.world_locked = true/false" , but I'm not good with packets. Can anyone help me out?

/* else if ((strcasecmp(sep.arg[0], "#lock") == 0 && admin >= 200) {
if (sep.arg[1][0] == '1') {
net.world_locked = true;
client->Message(0, "World locked.");

else if (sep.arg[1][0] == '0') {
net.world_locked = false;
client->Message(0, "World unlocked.");
Message(0, "Usage: #lock [1/0]");


01-27-2002, 11:22 PM
The problem is that code segment runs in zone.exe, but the "net.world_locked" variable is only in world.exe. You need to use the TCP serverpackets to have zone.exe tell world.exe to change the variable, there's no way to do it directly.