View Full Version : NPC isn't responding

05-11-2004, 05:01 PM
I redid a .qst file for an existing NPC Merchant for a quest. Here's the file...

if ($1- =~ "Hail") {
say(Hi $name, is there something I can help you with?');
if ($1- =~ "unhag") {
say(Ah. He must hav run out of my..."specialty" item. Honestly, he should show more restraint with it's use. Ahem, well, it's almost mealtime now, and being out in this cold, I need to keep the fat on. I suppose I could make the powder now, if you [can] get me something to eat.');
if ($1- =~ "can") {
say(Okay. I'll get to work on the powder now. I'm feeling mighty hungry today, so I'll need four servings. A girl's got to eat! Oh, and I'm partial to wolf meat.');
if ($1- =~ "problem") {
say(Well I became a merchant for profit mister. This ain't no charity house. If you want the new gloves, you'll have to do [something] for me.');
if ($1- =~ "something") {
say(Hehehe! Furs have been in demand lately and I need more for variety. Fetch me four pelts off the local Polar Bears and your master will get his gloves.');

if ($itemcount(1019) > 3) {
say(Yum yum! Time to chow down. Oh the powder? Here you go.');
if ($itemcount(20010) > 0) {
say(.Tore his gloves up huh? I figured this would happen again, so I made him another paid ahead of time. There's one [problem] though.');
if ($itemcount(1028) > 3) {
say(Here you go, as promised. I eagerly await our next meeting.');

say(Guards! Guards!');

Server has been reset several times now and she won't respond to hails or key phrases. I'm not sure what the problem is.


05-12-2004, 01:40 AM
Try going up to the npc on your GM account and doing #reloadquest.

05-12-2004, 01:01 PM
Also make sure when you load the zone you check the output of zone.exe and see if it processed any errors while compiling the quest file, if it did the it is going to default to the default.pl quest, if there isn't a default quest then the npc won't do anything.

oh just realized your using qst... i think it should still give you the output when there are errors, i am using perl and whever there is an error it tells me what it is then goes to my default.pl quest which is for the mob to say Hi. so thats when i know its not working.