View Full Version : Problems with Perl quest::summonitem

06-09-2004, 08:22 AM
Some of the quests I'm working on reward food or drink along with experience. In trying to reward multiples, it seems it is still only summoning one of the item. From my understanding, if the item is stackable and an amount is specified the summonitem statement should place a stack of the amount specified on the players cursor.

For example:


would summon a stack of 5 of item 3015. However, when the quest runs only one of 3015 is given. I've run it both with and without quotes around the individual parameters within () and had the same results for both.

Can anyone tell me how to get the second parameter to pass and process? /quits pulling at his hair in fear of pulling out the last bit he has left :P

06-10-2004, 04:13 AM
I'm not sure if perl supports having the number of items to summon after, even if it is stackable..

Maybe you should try having


? It would summon 5 seperately - I'll be (trying) to learn c++ within the next few months, or the very basics of it, so if it still isn't coded in by then, I'll try give it a shot :P

.. or someone already knowing c++ could code it in - that'd be easier :wink:

06-10-2004, 04:20 AM
Yup.. Know I could do it that way. I was just going by the syntax as shown in the guide stickied at the top for writing perl quests "Guide to the Perl Quest system *updated 16/02/2004*":

quest::summonitem(itemid); or quest::summonitem(itemid,charges); - Summons "itemid" to user that triggered Event. Charges is the number of charges, or number of items in the stack depending on the item type, it is also optional.

So if it is intended to be able to summon a stack, would love to get it to work clean so the user gets a stack of specified amount instead of one at a time.. :P