View Full Version : HOWTO: Indepth Setting up Adventure Merchants

07-19-2004, 09:19 AM
12-19-2004 Support here. (http://www.eqemulator.net/forums/viewtopic.php?p=110452#110452)
7-19-2004 The Tutorial
I didn't see a specific thread here, and I thought for those who could need use it and are too lazy to use the search feature, well, here you go.

What you will need:

*Database Access
*Basic knowledge of EQEmu commands
*Mangoo's Item Editor (http://www.eqemulator.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=15508) or MYSQL Front (http://www.mysqlfront.de/), any SQL editor should do well.

Now, setting up an adventure merchant is extremely easy. Just as easy as setting up a normal merchant. Here, I will explain to you in a simple order how to set up a basic adventure merchant.

Start by finding a suitable location in-game to where you are planning to place your adventure merchant. After that, begin spawning the merchant:

This would spawn a generic level 60 male Wood-Elf adventure merchant, that has General Items for sale.

#spawn John_Doe 4 60 3 - 0 61 0 0 1

I've highlighted the two important strings to help define them.

Now that we have the spawning part down, this is where your editing comes in. Open up either Mangoo's Item Editor or MYSQL Front as explained earlier. For this example, I would be using Mangoo's.

After you connect to the database, your items should appear on the left hand side in a list collumn. Click on an item, and to the bottom left, you should see ldon cost, ldon theme and ldon sold.

Ldon Cost is the amount of adventure points this item will cost. (Example: Ghasty Boots of Sacrifice may cost 120 adventure points)
Ldon Theme is the dungeon theme of the item
(Example: Lethal Permafrost Chunk may be the Miragul's theme)
Ldon Sold is the resale value of the item.
(Example: An item may cost 50 adv. points but may only be sold back for 25)

Here is a listing of the LDON themes in order of ID#:
LDoN Theme by ID #:

1= Deepest Guk

2= Miragul's Menagerie

3= Mistmoore Catacombs

4= Rujarkian Hills

5= Takish-Hiz

On any item, you may now set the LDON COST and LDON SOLD values as you desire, and change the LDON THEME with one of the ID's listed above. Do this to as many items as you please.

Going on to MYSQL front, connect to your database.
Using the latest version, a section should be entitled merchantlist. Select it. Now, at the top select Insert Record, a new record should appear. We will now define this record with appropriate data.

Three collumns should be intact. MerchantID, Slot and Item.

MerchantID is the variable used to define which merchant list has the items you have defined into it.
(Example: General Items MerchantID is 1, as explained earlier)

Slot is the slot number that the item is going to be placed in when you browse this merchants wares.
(Example: Slot #2 Would be the right top-most item box in a merchants inventory)

Item is the item id that is stored in the database, referenced to an item. (Example: Item ID 1001 is Cloth Cap in most databases)

So, here's what our new merchantlist would appear like after alterations. (Change as necessary, this is just an example)

MerchantID | Slot | Item

This means that if you spawned a merchant or adventure merchant with the merchantid as 50, he would be offering to sell a Cloth Cap (Or whatever itemid 1001 is) in Slot 1 of his inventory for the allotted amount of PP or Adventure points you defined earlier.

Closing Data:

#spawn John_Doe 4 60 3 - 0 61 0 0 50

61= Sets NPC as an Adventure Merchant
50= Our example merchantid

That's all there is to it. Any other questions may be posted here if further assistance is required. How you distribute your LDON points is entirely up to you. I hope this guide has helped you out a bit and taught you a little something new.

Good luck. -Aquelin

07-19-2004, 12:58 PM
Excellent Post.

(Now is there a way to edit the Theme Names?)

07-19-2004, 02:32 PM
there should be another column in the item that should be called theme. i am not exactly sure what the numbers are for each dungeon but atleast you knwo what to change =P

07-19-2004, 06:27 PM
there should be another column in the item that should be called theme. i am not exactly sure what the numbers are for each dungeon but atleast you knwo what to change =PDoesnt answer my question ;-)

07-19-2004, 07:38 PM
EDIT: Added information on LDON themes/LDON sold, thanks for the reminder.

As for your post:

(Now is there a way to edit the Theme Names?)

That would require editing the source. I've not worked with Adventure Merchants with the base coding, so I'm afraid I can't help you here. If you are experienced with the source, I'm pretty sure the specific .cpp you are looking for is in the "zone" section of the source.

07-27-2004, 07:38 AM
umm. how do you allow people to get adventure points?