View Full Version : CQE official webpage!

08-28-2004, 02:10 PM
Hey all,just have done the BETA of the new site.

You are welcome to enter!There are many sections,I will be adding more features.You can send a quest to webpage with CQE 2.1(2.0 wont work),or manually in uploaded quests section.
I'd love to see a good working webpage,so new quests are greatly accepted.You will help other users,so they can download your quest.

If you have any suggestion,please reply this topic :).

Link is http://cqe.eqemulator.net.


08-28-2004, 02:24 PM
Nice site, cant wait to see some of the quests uploaded. I might upload a few of mine.

Great Idea by the way.

08-28-2004, 03:28 PM
cofruben... very very bad idea to make your script like that.


including the path in the address is a huge security hole. they can just do a


and pull up any file that might be sitting there. If you have nothing important at all there, no password files or anything its not a huge deal. but at the same time make a script do the above is exactly as having it like this.


there really doesnt seem to be a need for the script even.. why did you have it? Is it doing something to the pl file? Just seems kind of pointless to me. /shrug

if you do need the script for some purpose i recommend hardcoding the /cofruben path into the code. or even better making a folder under the cofruben folder. cofrugben/quests/ and hardcoding that in. that way they can never stray from the path. just specify pl names

08-28-2004, 07:51 PM
Suggestion: The clouds look cool but they dont match and get kinda sloppy (the side bars dont match with the top and bottom ones.) Photoshop can slice an image up for you and all you'd have to do is put text in absolute positions:

<div id="Home" style="postion: left: 10px; right: 10px;">Hello World</div>

Hope that helps.

08-28-2004, 10:47 PM
there is a reason for everything.I appreciate your comment sotonix,will use something of your suggestions.PHP script will only allow to see pl files.

Php script needed,because if I directly link to the pl,it shows in unix format,with no lines.So i need to convert it.

Thank you cisyouc.

08-31-2004, 01:41 PM
I get 0 credit :(

I shall show much hate >_<

Your faction has gotten worse with Richardo!
Your faction has gotten better with Melwin!