View Full Version : Requests

05-01-2002, 09:52 AM
Awhile back i saw a server up and it was called Backstab and Taunt test, the npc's moved properly but some moved slower so u could backstab, would like to see this in eqemu.. :D, oh and with goto i noticed you sometimes cant move out of rooms or past walls, would be cool to go to anyloc not based by the engine :)

05-01-2002, 01:24 PM
yeah i wish client can be set to ignore "no pass walls" for #goto...

05-01-2002, 08:37 PM
Well ive figured out how to go through walls and such, you turn yourself into a ghost ship and u can go anywhere hehe, checkout the tunnel with the gates in west freeport near the casters guild :), dont have eqemu running right now but im sure it was boat model.