View Full Version : Error loading item database. 6 hours and counting to fix.

10-23-2004, 05:42 PM
I have searched everything I can on this problem. Here is what I am doing.

EQEmu 0.6.0-DR1+.

I started fresh with a new database called eq. I sourced in the PEQ_Classic_058.sql, aa_levels.sql, altadv_vars.sql, and wr_update.sql. The guide I read said to source in the ZONECFG.sql as well, but I get duplication errors when I try that. I expect that is normal?

My world output is:

Error: EMuShareMem: DLLLoadItems: !cbDBLoadItems
[Error] Error: Could not load item data. But ignoring
[Status] ./LoginServer.ini read.
[Status] Loading guild ranks..
[Status] Loading ./addon.ini..
[Status] Loading EQ time of day..
[Error] Could not load EQTime file ./eqtime.cfg
[Error] Unable to load ./eqtime.cfg
[Status] Deleted 0 stale player corpses from database
[Status] Deleted 0 stale player backups from database
Assassinating people that whine about horses...done
TCP listening on:
World server listening on:
Setting World to MiniLogin Server type
Connected to LoginServer:

The zone output hangs at:

[Status] Loading Variables
[Status] Loading zone names
[Status] Loading items
[Status] EMuShareMem loaded

...... for about 5 minutes. Then it gives me an error loading the item database:

[Status] Loading Variables
[Status] Loading zone names
[Status] Loading items
[Status] EMuShareMem loaded
Error: EMuShareMem: DLLLoadItems: !ItemsMMF.IsLoaded() (timeout)
[Error] Loading items FAILED!
Failed. But ignoring error and going on...
[Status] Loading npcs
[Status] Loading npc faction lists
[Status] Loading loot tables

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I've tried everything I know to do. I can log into the game, doors, mobs, etc appear. The problem is there are no items.


10-23-2004, 06:36 PM
is this on windows or linux?

10-23-2004, 07:16 PM
It was windows. I finally figured it out. I had to run the command:

ALTER TABLE items CHANGE 'unknown008' 'SpellCharges' INT(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;

Everything I read (well except one spot) didn't say to remove the ' in front and behind items and CHANGE. Did that and everything worked.

Is there any databases that have any more zones than the classic zones?


10-23-2004, 07:19 PM
Is there any databases that have any more zones than the classic zones?


10-23-2004, 11:26 PM
none that is released other than classic.. which is your best bet...if you are doing custom then you need to search around for zones and apply them to your database.. then work from there...