View Full Version : Latest CVS release perl bugs

10-25-2004, 12:46 PM
ok.. Bazaar works great...

only problem i saw was when you do /bazaar trader is not listed..

prior release it listed it..

Guild tags go bye bye on zoning..

guilds are there but as soon as you zone you are kicked out of your guild.

Beastmasters Pets turn undead.. and are invunerable

still have a few zoning issues but i think thats just database related.. still testing those..

Thanks LE for all your hardwork also.. on fixing these bugs in such a short time..

oh one more thing.. as far as i know there are 3 summon corpse spells.. only one works .. spell #3 the others dont work at all.. not sure why they dont...

10-25-2004, 01:00 PM

Don't forget to post your bug here.