View Full Version : Noob Questions

10-29-2004, 02:51 PM
Okay... got two questions here. Actually I probably have tons of questions but I'll stick with these two.

I'm attempting to build a Lan based server using EqEmu 6.0 with the 6.0 Barebones DB. I've been perusing posts and finding alot of answers to questions I have, cept these two.

1. After failing to get my npcs in Halas to follow a grid, I DL'd the 5.8 Classic and compared notes. I noticed that in the 5.8 Classic there was a table called grid_entries which is missing from 6.0. Would it be possible for me to export the grid_entries sql from 5.8 and then source it into 6.0?

2. With this server I'm attempting to do a custom build with different zones... ie. Halas zones to Great Divide... and different zone names. I managed to change Halas so that when you zone into Halas it says Welcome to Northland Village, BUT when you hit the zone in Great Divide it says 'Entering Halas'. Is there a way for me to change that in the database so it says 'Entering Northland Village' or is that something in the source code?

Thanks for any help.

10-29-2004, 03:00 PM
1. The pathing was changed to a two grid system sometime after 5.8. I have no idea how it works, but there are tutorials for it. And its compleely incompatible with the old system so sourcing that in won't work.

2. Most of the things that get displayed on the screen as you zone are in a strings file in the client directory. There you can change anything you want, but anyone playing has to download the same file to see the changes.

10-29-2004, 03:05 PM
1. So I'll have to dig around and try and find a guide on pathing with 6.0. Gotcha. The one in Majick's guide didn't work (which in the guide he describes setting up a 5.0 server, so I'm knew it was out-dated).

2. Well bugger that.. oh well, guess it was wishful thinking. Guess I'll have to suffer with zoning names and hope my friends notice the names of the zones once they're in.

Thanks much for the speedy reply.