View Full Version : Issues with account status flagging....

11-04-2004, 03:28 AM
I'm having some weird issues with my account flagging. I've done the following while setting up my DB:

INSERT INTO variables (varname, value, information) VALUES ('LoginType', 'Minilogin', 'Set this to Minilogin to login using a minilogin server :)');

alter table account add minilogin_ip varchar(32) not null;

Also, I created a new account in the DB with status 250 by doing the following:

insert into account (name,status, minilogin_ip) values('username',250,'');

Here's the issue.... even though when I query the status level it reports my account as status 250, in the game I'm at a much lower access level (I show up as *Apprentice Guide* on /who and cannot use any of the higher level # commands). Neither minilogin, world, or zone are showing any errors. I'm at a loss :( Any help would be useful....

11-04-2004, 03:41 AM
I set my account status to 200, works fine as I think i have all my commands at 200 or under anyways.

can change the status with world.exe like in the tutorial


update account set status=200 where name='jbahe';

where jbahe is actually your username

11-04-2004, 04:00 AM
I've done both of those. The *DB* thinks I'm status 250, but the server doesn't

11-04-2004, 04:23 AM
Well, i guess i didn't quite say it, but i was having problems at 250, i was getting only the level 0 commands, so i set it to the number of the highest command(200) and i got them all.

11-04-2004, 05:20 AM
I changed the status to 200 in the DB, but it still shows me as an apprentice guide in /who all, and won't let me use the higher access commands w/o changing addon.ini. I'm confused as to why the server and the DB aren't communicating with each other properly.

11-04-2004, 06:44 AM
Just a thought, but if you have more than one account in your database with minilogin_ip='', it may be using the first one it finds, which may have a lower status.

select id,name,status,minilogin_ip from account where minilogin_ip='';

If you have more than one, delete all but the one with status 250.

delete from account where minilogin_ip='' and status <> 250;