View Full Version : Spell scribing

05-05-2002, 01:21 PM
Code snippets complete, with a radix sort =)

A command to scribe all spells for someone would be useful.

There are serveral ways to go about this, one would to be on #scribespells <level>.. search all spells, if they are <= level and the character level, add them to the spellbook in the first availible space. Another way would be to do that, sort that list by level (assend or desend), maybe by basic type(icon) or by affects..

Level 1 Pet L1 Buff L1 Nuke L2 Nuke L2 Buff L3 Buff L3 Pet
L1 Pet L3 Pet L1 Buff L2 Buff L3 Buff L1 Nuke L2 Nuke
all would be pretty simple to implement, but would require O(n), assuming 5000 spells, thats 5000 + (sorting)

Another way if on load, create spell lists for each class, have them arranged by level and class and maybe type then when someone requested the spells, you would use a lot less O, and if more than one person did this, the saving would be tremendous.

So far, the precreated lists are the most appropriate and should be relatively easy to make. However, not having experience with the general code it is quite hard. If anyone needs help with the coding of the searching, sorting, I can help and will be working on it, but I would not be able to merge it easily.

ed. Need to do a better sort and get rid of index operator

05-07-2002, 02:08 AM
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

struct SPLtemp {
int spelllevel =0;
int splid =0;

void LoadSPDat() {
FILE *fp;
FILE SPlist;

for (int j = 0; j < SPDAT_RECORDS; j++)
memset((char*) &spells[j], 0, sizeof(SPDat_Spell_Struct));

if (fp = fopen(SPDat_Location, "rb"))
// if (_filelength(fp) != SPDAT_SIZE) {
// cout << "SPDat wrong size ('" << SPDat_Location << "'), spells not loaded." << endl;
// }
// else
for (int i = 0; i < SPDAT_RECORDS; i++) {
fread(&spells[i], sizeof(SPDat_Spell_Struct), 1, fp);
for (int x = 0;, x < 15; x++) {
SPLtemp tempsing;
tempsing.level =0; tempsing.splid=0;
vector<SPLtemp> buckets[7][10];

//LinkedList<LinkedList<SPLtemp>> buckets;
//LinkedList<SPLtemp> templist;

int spllen =0;
for (int i = 0; i < SPDAT_RECORDS; i++) {
if ( spells[i].classes[x] <= 60 ) {
tempsing.level = spells[i].classes[x]; tempsing.splid = i;
buckets[((spells[i].classes[x])/10)][(spells[i].classes[x])%10).push_back(tempsing );

/*int swap =0;
do {
for (int i = 0; i < spllen - 1; i++) {
if( templist[i].level > templist[i+1].level) {
tempsing = templist[i];
templist[i] = templist[i+1];
swap = 1;
}while(swap !=0);*/
/*for (int i =0; i < spllen; i++) {
SPlist >> templist[i].level >> ' ' >> templist[i].splid;

for(int x =0; x < 7; x++)
for(int y =0; y < 10; y++)
int count = 0;
while(count > buckets[x][y].size)
SPlist >> buckets[x][y][count].level >> ' ' >> buckets[x][y][count].splid;

spells_loaded = true;
cout << "Spells loaded from '" << SPDat_Location << "'." << endl;
cout << "SPDat not found ('" << SPDat_Location << "'), spells not loaded." << endl;

That should parse the file and create 15 spell lists, in 1.spl = 15.spl with the format
level spellid

Now, client.cpp


if ((strcasecmp(sep.arg[0], "#scribespells") == 0))
if (target == 0) {
Message(0, "Error: #scribespells: No target");
else if (sep.arg[1][0] == 0) {
Message(0, "Usage: #scribespells x");
else {
int16 level = atoi(sep.arg[1]);
if (level > 0 && (level <= 60 {
FILE sp; sp.open(strcat(atoi(sep.arg[6]),".spl); int templvl = 0;int tempid=0; int y =1;
sp >> templvl >> tempid;
while(templvl >= level)

pp. spell_book[y]=tempid;
sp >>templvl >>tempid; y++;
else {
Message(0, "Error: #scribespells: Invalid Level");

05-22-2002, 11:39 AM

05-22-2002, 04:59 PM
Good idea!

05-27-2002, 05:32 AM
this will never compile on a linux machine :p

Baron Sprite
05-27-2002, 09:28 AM
bahaha you obey my commands! ;)

05-27-2002, 10:29 AM
That will compile, by it self, but the new hearders will kill most of the other code, working on fixing linked_list.h (posted without compiling in the codebase, heh.. oops)