View Full Version : Problem with quest ...

11-20-2004, 08:01 PM
Ok heres whats happening ... the npc will respond to 1 phrase and then gets broken (after the first phrase he will simply return my default hail message)

Also Im not sure if I have the item turn in code correct or not ... any help would be appriciated.

if ($text=~/Hail/i){quest::say("Hail to you $name. You look like a [young druid].");}

if ($text=~/young druid/i){quest::say("Well then you've come to the right place. As your druidic blacksmith it is my duty to outfit young ones such as yourself. If you [assist] me I will reward you with a very nice mace.");}

if ($text=~/i will assist you/i){quest::say("Excellent! I require you to go out into the Faydark and return to me with one of the following items. A Black Wolf Skin , A Forest Drakeling Scales , A Rust Mace , and A Giant Wasp Drone Pollen. When you return I shall give you the mace.");}



if ($itemcount{13758} && $itemcount{20270} && $itemcount{6011} && $itemcount{20290} == 1){quest::say("Nice work druid. Now as I said here is your mace , use it well.");

11-20-2004, 08:30 PM
if ($itemcount{13758} && $itemcount{20270} && $itemcount{6011} && $itemcount{20290} == 1)

Try this:

if( $item1 == 13758 &&
$item2 == 20270 &&
$item3 == 6011 &&
$item4 == 20290 )

I also refer you to this:
-- Xorith

11-21-2004, 12:35 AM
you should use the equal operation in all variables,not only at the end

11-21-2004, 05:20 AM
Yeah, plus you're using itemcounts where they obviously don't need to be. Such a use would be like this:

if ($itemcount{13758} == 1 && $itemcount{20270} == 2 && $itemcount{6011} == 3 && $itemcount{20290} == 5){

itemcount is for stacks of items, $item[no] is used for single item turnins. To make your quest work, this is what I believe it should look like:

quest::say("Hail to you $name. You look like a [young druid].");
if($text=~/young druid/i){
quest::say("Well then you've come to the right place. As your druidic blacksmith it is my duty to outfit young ones such as yourself. If you [assist] me I will reward you with a very nice mace.");
if($text=~/i will assist you/i){
quest::say("Excellent! I require you to go out into the Faydark and return to me with one of the following items. A Black Wolf Skin , A Forest Drakeling Scales , A Rust Mace , and A Giant Wasp Drone Pollen. When you return I shall give you the mace."); }

if($itemcount{13758} == 1 && $itemcount{20270} == 1 && $itemcount{6011} == 1 && $itemcount{20290} == 1){
quest::say("Nice work druid. Now as I said here is your mace , use it well.");
quest::summonitem(3431); }

That should work for you, but please let me know.

11-21-2004, 07:38 AM
Or basically what I said at first. LOL.

11-21-2004, 07:46 AM
You showed him how to achieve the $item[no] way, I showed him how to use what he had properly. So no, not what you said at all.

11-21-2004, 04:41 PM
Thanks for the help so far , Ive gone over the guide to perl quests posts and this one and the code ... however it still dosent work. My zone.exe outputs an error of "missing right quote or bracket in line 17. End of line 17"