View Full Version : Bugs with DOTs

12-01-2004, 01:17 PM
Was playing around with dots a bit. I cast rabies on myself and went AFK for a few minutes. When I came back, I had died - serveral times, from the same dot.

1.) Upon death, all buffs and dots should be removed. This did not happen.

2.) Even stranger, by my 3rd death, the timer for the rabies spell had GROWN to 175 minutes. The initual duration was only 20 minutes!

3.) I'm not sure if this is a bug with the spell or with the HP code, but rabies should not be able to kill a player by itself. While standing, it prevents a player from gaining HP by counteracting the natural regen. While sitting, a player should gain 1hp a tick with rabies on. So either rabies is doing too much damage a tick, or there is something funky going on with how the player regen and dot interact with each other.