View Full Version : MSH-DB v0.1 Released!

05-08-2002, 07:55 AM
Yes, you can have your very own MSH-DB v0.1 too!

This is the famous Merkur, Spud, Hogie DB run on Eros & Hogiebane. It is an addon for Drawde's db, and has real spots for mobs like in sebilis & ssratemple, etc.

You can find it at, doh, where did I put that link? Oh yeah, http://eqemu.net/mshdb/msh-db-v0.1.zip . Remember, it isn't supported, and read the text file in the zip file!!!!

05-08-2002, 10:32 AM
Very, Very nice.

05-08-2002, 02:58 PM
Thank you Hogie, I have always enjoyed your servers.

05-23-2002, 06:34 AM
Will a 0.3.2 compatible version of this be released?

05-23-2002, 12:35 PM
No idea. unless someone converts this probably not because Merkur left and took the spawn collector with him :(

05-23-2002, 12:44 PM
*edit* Just finished putting everything into 1 big download to keep confusion to a minimum.

This is a bit quick and dirty.

Included is everything needed for the DB
db32.sql is the released EQEmu clean DB
I edited of Drawde's 0.85 DB edited for EQEmu 3.2
And I edited Merkur's msh-db-v0.1.zip to work with EQEmu 3.2


Put all the files into your mysql\bin dir
run mysql
create a new DB
mysql>create database eq32;
mysql>use eq32;
mysql>source go.sql;

Just add the original MSH_db_0.1 to Drawde's 0.95 there will be some errors, but it should only affect some 20 spawns out of 26000

05-23-2002, 02:14 PM
Whoa is this a beauty! Thanks a whole lot Lurker! The speed of the updates to 3rd party tools is excellent!

05-23-2002, 02:20 PM
Dont forget, if u use "eq32" as the DB, you need to change database= to say eq32 in db.ini

05-23-2002, 02:23 PM
and this go.sql looks kinda wierd.

source db32.sql;
source msh.sql;

delete from npc_types;
delete from spawn2;
delete from spawnentry;
delete from spawngroup;
delete from npc_faction;
delete from faction_list;
delete from merchantlist;
delete from lootdrop;
delete from loottable;
delete from lootdrop_entries;
delete from loottable_entries;
delete from starting_items;
delete from tradeskillrecipe;

source npc_types.txt;
source spawn2.txt;
source spawnentry.txt;
source spawngroup.txt;
source npc_faction.txt;
source faction_list.txt;
source merchantlist.txt;
source loot.txt;
source starting_items.txt;
source tradeskillrecipe.txt;

The first two lines will source both DB's in, next you completely delete all spawn data from the DB????? that would clear out MSH also which doesnt get re-sourced in later.

Wierd =P

05-23-2002, 07:27 PM
No spawns in Ssra and crashes the zone server when entering GFay, <shrug> I dont protest to know anything :P just reporting a bug.

05-23-2002, 07:35 PM
Well with the way go.sql is setup its no wonder all of the MSH spawned zones will be empty.

05-24-2002, 03:19 AM
/EM Smacks himself really hard!

Shawn, your right.

source msh.sql;

Needs to be the last line.

If you already have the DB, just edit go.sql (it is just a text file) and move that line to the end. Then drop and re-install the DB

I have also fixed the file linked above for anyone new getting it.

05-24-2002, 03:43 AM
and might as well leave out the first "source msh.sql" because it all gets cleared out in the next few lines (of go.sql).

just wait till its all done to source msh.sql......


05-24-2002, 08:04 AM
This is basically the same as the DB I posted above, but I used the table format from the EQEmu3.1 release for npc_types.

This seems to get rid of the error in zone.exe See how this works (less crashes, droping to login screen?)

The original MSH_db_0.1 can be applied to 0.95 with only a few errors (20 or less)

05-24-2002, 05:24 PM
ummm if the npc_types changed since 0.3.1 then a 0.3.1 npc_types table structure will not workin 0.3.2 :(

why do you think we release a new db.sql with every release? its because we want people to get it working hehe.

05-25-2002, 03:49 AM
The npc_types table released with 3.2 works if it is empty, but causes an error in zone if there is data. If the table from the 3.1 release is used it works fine, NO errors that I can find.

why do you think we release a new db.sql with every release?
I understand this, but the code and the released DB don't appear to matchup. Besides, from what code I have read through I don't think extra fields in a table will disrupt anything. Perhaps it is a bug in the code, and the DB released is how it was meant to be.

Regardless, using the 3.1 npc_types table eliminates the errors.

05-26-2002, 06:44 PM
Seems to work well.....

Keep us(normal players) updated on any new DBs/DB info you gather.


05-27-2002, 01:41 AM
Shawn do the new databases released with the new version of EQEmu come with npcs or are they always clean DBs?

05-27-2002, 01:57 AM
Always clean

05-28-2002, 10:55 AM
When will MSH-DB v0.2 come out? ;o)

05-28-2002, 02:00 PM
probably not.. merkur left :( along with the spawn collector.

05-28-2002, 02:11 PM
He left??

05-28-2002, 03:19 PM
Does anyone have an old copy of the spawn collector? maybe it can be updated to current DB format and maintained by someone else.

It may be possible to alter the PacketCollector to harvest alot more information. Is it possible to get the source to add collection of addition information.

05-30-2002, 01:24 AM
What u mean Left? He only one with source code?

05-30-2002, 02:41 AM
I would guess since he took it with him, that means he didnt put the source into the public domain. Not sure how he handled the encryption routines, but thats probably why he didnt release the source... Spawns are encrpyted packets, im guessing items aren't. (why we have an itemcollector now but not a spawncollector). The emu project is not out here to flaunt decryption routines to verants protection policies.. Of course, i might be off my rocker here...

that sound about right to anyone that actually knows?

05-30-2002, 05:06 AM
Trumpcard, that sounds right to me at least. One way to recreate the spawncollector would be to heavily modify showEQ It does have spawn decription. Perhaps someone could modify the spawnlog section of code to collect more info in the proper format for importing into the emu's mysql db Removing players pets and duplicate spawns would be a real plus too.

06-09-2002, 06:49 PM
I know this was weeks ago but anyways...

ShowEQ and SINS both use a pre-compiled lib to decrypt the packets (libEQ.a), why not use these routines and fashion another collector using this lib?

06-09-2002, 08:48 PM
Merkur was the one that made the "SpawnCollector" that collected the MSH DB (short for Merkur Spud Hogie, which were the ones that used the collector to gather the data).

He never gave us the source code and Spud/hogie were the only ones ot get the exe's.

After he left, he left without giving us the source code so we cannot continue that project unless we a) start over, or b) hope merkur comes back :)

07-04-2002, 03:25 PM
Is there any chance of him giving out the source-code?

It is SO much better than #spawning npcs..

07-05-2002, 03:06 AM
There is no way to find him. he is gone, we cant get in touch with him.

07-06-2002, 08:40 AM
From the amount of data I have seen from the list in this compliation database, it sounds great. Only problem is that the readme in the ZIP says this is an add-on for Drawdes DB. Can somewhere tell me where Drawde's DB is??? Thanks.

07-06-2002, 11:54 AM
You would have to search back in the forum, and it may not be posted anymore. Drawde hasn't released anything reacently, and MSH has some errors when used with his newer releases anyhow. Besides the tables would need to be updated.

For an alternative you can use my DB. It has the MSH data in it.

09-13-2002, 12:49 PM
Where is your DB posted at? kinda tired atm i probably just missed it but cant seem to find :P

09-14-2002, 10:52 AM
This is an old thread about a database addon that is too old to use anymore.. un-sticking it =P