View Full Version : db problem with 1-25-05 build

03-10-2005, 05:16 PM
I downloaded perl buirld 1-21-05 and unzipped it, then just ran world.exe using my current db for 6dr2 which works fine. I would think this would happen since I think there have been changes made to the database.

Here is the screen text for world.exe 6dr3

[Status] Loading variables..
[Status] Loading zones..
[Status] Clearing groups..
[Status] Loading items..
[Status] EMuShareMem loaded
[Status] Loading items from database: count=36965
[Error] DBLoadItems query 'select charges,unknown001,collected_slot_id,merchantp
rice,unknown004,collected_inst_id,unknown006,spell charges,attuneable,itemclass,n
ame,lore,idfile,id,weight,norent,nodrop,size,slots ,cost,icon,unknown021,unknown0
22,unknown023,tradeskills,cr,dr,pr,mr,fr,astr,asta ,aagi,adex,acha,aint,awis,hp,m
ana,ac,deity,skillmodvalue,skillmodtype,banedmgrac e,banedmgamt,banedmgbody,magic
,casttime2,hasteproclvl,reqlevel,bardtype,bardvalu e,light,delay,reclevel,recskil
l,elemdmgtype,elemdmgamt,effecttype,range,damage,c olor,classes,races,unknown064,
spellid,maxcharges,itemtype,material,sellrate,unkn own070,casttime,unknown072,pro
c_rate_mod,focusid,combateffects,shielding,stunres ist,strikethrough,combatskill,
combatskilldmg,spellshield,avoidance,accuracy,char mformula,factionmod1,factionmo
d2,factionmod3,factionmod4,factionamt1,factionamt2 ,factionamt3,factionamt4,charm
file,augtype,augslot1type,augslot2type,augslot3typ e,augslot4type,augslot5type,ld
onpointtheme,ldonpointcost,ldonsold,bagtype,bagslo ts,bagsize,bagwr,booktype,unkn
own108,filename,banedmgamt2,augmentrestriction,lor eflag,pendingloreflag,artifact
flag,summonedflag,tribute,gmflag,endur,dotshieldin g,attackbonus,hpregen,manarege
n,hastepercent,damageshield,unknown125,unknown126, unknown127,distiller,unknown12
9,unknown130,unknown131,unknown132 from items order by id', #1054: Unknown colum
n 'collected_slot_id' in 'field list'
[Error] If you got an error related to the 'charmformula' field, run the followi
ng SQL Query: ALTER TABLE `items` CHANGE `unknown084` `charmformula` INT(11) DE
Error: EMuShareMem: DLLLoadItems: !cbDBLoadItems
[Error] Error: Could not load item data. But ignoring
[Status] ./LoginServer.ini read.
[Status] Loading guild ranks..
[Status] Loading ./addon.ini..
[Status] Loading EQ time of day..
[Status] Deleted 0 stale player corpses from database
[Status] Deleted 0 stale player backups from database
TCP listening on:
World server listening on:
Setting World to MiniLogin Server type
Connected to LoginServer:

Can anyone tell what needs to be done to fix it?

03-10-2005, 08:26 PM
what DB are you useing DR2 ?
well it looks like several fields are missing from it or got changed.
I tried the same thing with the PEQ_K databse and got those errors.
but if you use the SQL tables in CVS it works fine.
the only thing that stoped me from upgrading from DR3 is the Zone.exe locks up and crashes from some unknown reaosn to me.
maybe the new augments crash it. shrug I know my players want it bad but
no time to chase down the errors.

03-10-2005, 10:20 PM
I will check CVS.

03-10-2005, 11:36 PM
Simple: add collected_slot_id to the item table.

03-11-2005, 02:18 AM
Simple: add collected_slot_id to the item table.

also note it says above to add.the following
SQL Query: ALTER TABLE `items` CHANGE `unknown084` `charmformula` INT(11) DEFAULT "0" NOT NULL;

03-11-2005, 04:31 AM

03-11-2005, 05:45 PM
This same database is the one I run on eqemu 6dr2 and it works flawlessly, I just ran world.exe 6 dr3 (1-25-05 perl build) to confirm the schema was changed, and as I suspected, lots has changed.

The question is, if I dump this table to a file, then source in the items current schema(cvs), will the dumped sql file be able to source in the data in the correct colums of the current cvs table?

Thanks for the help.


Thanks FNW and Peq team. I followed your post and it worked flawlessly on 1st try when converting kunark to velius DB and installing 6dr3+perl.