View Full Version : problem with import 3DS as a ground mechs

03-20-2005, 06:47 AM
i try to import an objet as a ground mechs but each time i have an error message acces violation...

i try with differents objet(plane ,cube , truncated cube etc..) and have the same result at each time.

with the standard import have no problem, it s work.

i try too ,to create ground with a void zone or after create a basic zone
and , don t work in 2 case.

it's a bug or an wrong usage of oz ?

03-20-2005, 08:08 AM
I would need you to post the file you're trying to import so I can test it and try to find the problem. I haven't changed the import code at all in 5.4; it should be the same as in 5.3.

03-20-2005, 09:29 AM
i put cube sample here :
here (http://supervision2.filnet.fr/froggy/cube.3ds)

03-20-2005, 10:50 AM
Ok, I found the problem (/bonk self...talk about a bonehead bug). I'll re-upload it in a few minutes and post here when it's ready for download (I've been reskinning a few more icons).

03-20-2005, 11:14 AM
he he he :-D :-D
thanks for the quickly help

03-20-2005, 11:42 AM
Okay, I just whacked the old one and uploaded a fixed one. The zip should be just a hair larger because of the new icons (8.01mb). Feel free to post if you have any questions or problems.


03-20-2005, 03:55 PM
now i have another pb importing 3ds as a mech ground work
but now i try to import different object and oz generate all time a flat cube

i resume the what i want to do, i try to make an inside/outside in a volcano.

in first version i use a heightmap for make the zone and make tunnel with a dongeon builder 3ds file.

but have when a try to use "split with a ground mesh".
(i suppose is due to a face too big )

i put files here (http://supervision2.filnet.fr/froggy/nektropos.zip) if you want to see.

after this i ll try to make this directly in truespace ( i prefer it to modelling) ,
an a make a big cube and use "substract" fonction for make the zone(see sample picture) but dont work have a flat cube when import (see the picture) .


p.s. i'm working with oz only since 1 week dont know yet all functions

03-20-2005, 04:08 PM
Hmmm....it looks like the Dungeon Builder file didn't import properly into your scene (or Dungeon Builder didn't export it properly). Do you have the Dungeon Builder .3DS file (or even better, the file that Dungeon Builder uses). There might be a problem either in exporting from Dungeon Builder or in importing it into OpenZone. I'll need the dungeon file to find out which.

03-21-2005, 02:53 PM
i lost my file when i change version but i have made some test and i think
i have find .
beacause my english is too bad for explain that i post some sreenshot again ;-)


see the yellow cube
in first picture front yellow plane is ok an import work
in second picture front yellow plane is not ok a part is not outside the groud

03-21-2005, 08:46 PM
If you have problem importing 3DS, could you post your 3DS source please to check your models ? (Zones, your cube model).
Have you tried to import your 3DS file made with Truespace in another 3D modeling software, or better, try to view it with like Okino Polytrans or Deep3D ?

(i suppose is due to a face too big )
Doesnt matter.

Also, i seen your zones texture include Bumpmap, it is not needed, OZ doesnt handle Bumpmap atm.

EDIT : Imported your cube into different softwares, and as you can, there is something definitivly wrong with it.


03-22-2005, 06:06 AM
The best file for me to test with is your .dbx file from Dungeon Builder. Then I could determine if Dungeon Builder is improperly exporting the dungeon or if OpenZone is improperly importing it.

03-31-2005, 06:54 AM
i just to see i forgot to reply to this post sorry.
i had lost file when i had try the new version of oz.

when i rebuild my dongeon i put the entrance corridor in the same direction on
the X axis and have no pb

but i think i found the pb. i can try to make a sample file this week if you are interrested

03-31-2005, 11:28 AM
Sure. If there are any problems I prefer to fix them :P

03-31-2005, 01:56 PM
ok have the same pb;-)
i put files here (http://supervision2.filnet.fr/froggy/nektropos.zip) .

it s the dongeon who link 2 crateria